May 31, 2011

May 29, 2011

  • 28 KG KB Swing Tabata: 12,12,12,12,12,12,12,11
  • High+Low Box Jumps (34"): 30, 25, 20 Caught shin under box on 16th jump of last set.
  • Palloff Presses: 50*3
  • Rope Slams: 30, 25

notes: Good tabata. Box jumps went well. It's still intimidating getting up the nerve to jump on them. I did a little research on what a decent vertical jump is, and according to this: The population average for vertical jumps is 19.5, and I'm doing 14.5" more than that for repeated plyos. All of them are done from a dead stop as well, so there's no double bouncing/jumping going on here either. It's very taxing, but I do like it. When I was about 170 several years ago I had my vert. tested and I hit 41.5". Still though, it's a bit scary because I have this box I gotta jump onto, and if I screw it up I could face-plant. I almost experienced this on my 16th jump of my last set here. as I came up I somehow caught my right shin flush against the underside of the platform, and ended up putting my hands on top of it to brace myself, which only meant the box didn't move as my shin smashed into it. I thought I snapped my leg for a few seconds there. My entire shin was black & blue within 20 seconds after, and couldn't really support my weight too well. I did a few more jumps but had to stop, truthfully I probably should've stopped after the injury. I moved on to other exercises, but kept it short. Oddly enough the bruising was completely gone within 8 hours, and all that remained was the damage to my skin from where the box tore it open.

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