May 31, 2011

Cut Progress

Since I get questions about how the cut is going, I thought I'd post some thoughts before my workout this evening.

The cut is going well; the old axiom that the first place you add fat is the last place you lose it is holding true for me. My ass ends up plump first, even when I was at 10.5% bf and had red hawt myspace abbzz I still had a plump ass. After that I start to accumulate it on my hamstrings, then lower back, then stomach, then slightly on my arms, although the only way I can tell is I can't see the veins running down my biceps anymore. I can see them again now though, and the fat on my stomach is coming off, I can actually see my serratus again! Welcome back serratus, good to see you. Ass....still huge. I need to weigh in tomorrow morning, I think I'll be around 217-218. My old jeans STILL don't fit, and I'm starting to wonder if they ever will. It's not my ass, I can barely even get them up to my ass, it's my quads/hams that just too damn big for them! Same with a lot of my shirts. I don't really see any more fat on my arms/chest/upperbod that can come off, and many of my shirts still don't fit. Especially my button downs/dress shirts.

Re: Diet. Im really clamping down now, reducing fat as well as carbs. Cut out 1 Tbsp. of EVOO in my morning shake (I usually put 2 Tbsp in), also reducing walnut intake to 1 oz. per day instead of 2. Also, on upper body days I cut out the large apple I was eating that accounted for like 25g. of carbs. I don't have the exact numbers off the top of my head, but on conditioning days I'm around 2500 cals and 40 net carbs, and training days around 2600 & 80 net. Last week I also realized it's going to take some getting used to being that low on carbs...I felt like I was in a fog all week! This week's a little better. But I still may do a mini refeed on Tuesdays from now on. I do heavy upper body, and then high rep squatting on Monday and Tuesday respectively, so glycogen is probably pretty depleted after those two workouts.

What I would do differently: I definitely was too slow to strip off the calories for the first few steps of the cut. I could've definitely gone 4500-4000-3500 in the first 3 weeks. I just wasn't sure how used my body would be to the excess calories, or where my maintenance points would be, so I was cautious. I want to protect the LBM I gained :) So yeah, I expect results to amp up over this week, as I lock in the low carb and lower fat diet. Still aiming for around 205 @ 8% or so. I'll see how I look when I get to 210.

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