August 18, 2014

August 13, 2014 Dodgeball!

  • Dodgeball: 90 minutes

Corrie's last dodge, was a good time!  I'll be taking over as dodgeball commissioner apparently. 

August 17, 2014

August 12, 2014 Upper

  • Bench Press: 250*1 275*1 290*1 300*1
  • BB Rows: 225*2 245*1 255*1
  • Push Press: 225*1 235*1
  • Sternum Pullups: 7, 6, 6
  • Suitcase Carries: 45*50 45*50
Still pushing 300 at about 194 lbs. 300 was actually easier than 290.  I really like sternum pullups, I need to do them more, although I prefer heavy regular pullups. Some would argue that any pullup should be a sternum pullup. 

August 11, 2014 Lower

  • Leg Press: 450*2 540*2 630*2 720*1
  • Plate Loaded kneeling leg curl: 25*8 50*8
  • Unilateral Leg Extensions: 40*8 60*8 80*8
  • Dead Bugs: 10,10

Took it easy here since my legs are pretty dead from sprinting.  This was actually a fun session, I like the kneeling leg curl they have, no clue how I missed it there for so long. 

August 13, 2014

August 10, 2014 Sprinting

  • 110m: 2
  • 100m: 13.25 NEW PR!! 13.18 NEW PR!! 13.35 (would've been new PR 10 minutes ago)
  • 110m: 1
woooooooooooooooooo!  Beat old record of 13.43 by .18 and then .25 seconds.  I'm really focusing on chopping my arms faster, especially at the end, and at the start keeping my head down.  I think I can get sub 13 before the summer is over. Fortunately BU has an indoor track that I can hopefully use. It's smaller though, so 100m would involve going around a curve. Again, these times are from a standing start. Going to rest for a few days and then try again Friday morning see if I can beat 13.18

I'm about 194ish lbs right now and I feel awesome.  Going to keep going with full ECA dosage for next 2 weeks, then cut back to two doses, then 1 per day for a week before stopping it. Also probably going to pick up how much I'm eating here so I don't keep losing weight, I don't want to be much lighter than this. Still though, I can't believe how awesome I feel lately. 

August 8, 2014 Progress Pics

So I took some progress pictures of my back....holy crap.  I love ECA. This is by far the largest and most cut I think my back has ever been.  VERY happy with these results.  


I'm not sure what I'm doing here...:

Finally some rare pictures showing face

So yeah, I'm loving the ECA cut. 

August 8, 2014 Upper

  • Incline Bench: 225*1 245*1 255*X - went to beach today, absolutely flat
  • T-Bar Rows: 160*3 170*2
  • BB Seated Press: 135*5 155*2
  • Sternum Pullups: 7, 6
  • PUPP: 1:05
Felt completely flat after going to the beach earlier in the day. 

August 7, 2014 Lower / Olympic Lifting

  • Hanging Power Snatches: 135*2 135*2 145*1 155*1
  • Hanging Power Cleans: 185*1 205*1 225*1 185*2
  • DL: 365*1 405*1
  • Suitcase Caries: 50*50 50*50
Good session, a bit of star fishing on the snatches though. 

August 6, 2014 Dodgeball

  • Dodgeball: 80 minutes

Good session, no shoulder pain at all!

August 5, 2014 Upper

  • Bench Press (No Arch / Paused): 225*1 250*1 250*1 250*1 250*1 
  • Sternum Pullups: 6, 6, 5
  • Push Press: 225*1 - tired
  • BB Rows: 225*3 245*2 
  • Wide-Stance Anti-Rotational Chops: 70*6 80*6
Good session, I like sternum pullups quite a bit actually, really feel them in my mid back muscles more. 

August 4, 2014 Lower

  • Squats: 315*2 315*2 315*2 315*2 315*2
  • Front Squats: 225*2 225*2 225*2 225*2 
  • Good Mornings: 250*2 250*2 250*2 
  • Dead Bugs: 10, 10
deload here, felt good though, kept everything tight. Doing 10s on dead bugs now. 

August 10, 2014

August 3, 2014 Sprinting

  • 110m: 1
  • 100m: 13.78, 13.49, 13.78,1,1
  • Total: 610M
Felt slow as molasses, didn't sleep much last night, was up late so I wasn't at my best here by any means, but was still sub 13.5 which is what I'm looking for.  I start from a standing position, with no blocks, which would shave as much as .5 off my times, so I'm happy here.  Only recently started sprinting a couple times per week, so let's see where this goes. I'm also going to work on keeping my head down at the start, and making sure my arms are 'chopping' faster as I run. 

August 1, 2014 Cut Progress / ECARY stack

I have to say that I'm fairly skeptical when it comes to most supplements.  I wanted to try an ECA stack this time during my cut to see if it really helped, and after thoroughly reviewing the components of it over at, I figured there may be something to it.  I also wanted to try yombine since there is some limited research that implies it targets hip/lower back fat, which is where I tend to hold it even at lower percentages. I also threw some raspberry ketones in there, even though research doesn't seem to show any effect from them (spoiler: I think that research is accurate).   So what are the results these past 3 weeks?


A few bits of context: I'm 195 lbs right now.  I haven't lost even 1% of the strength I had at 231.  I am at a lower bf % than I have ever been.  My energy is high; which is expected because of the stimulants. What I didn't expect was just how much strength this stuff would help me retain, and how it would absolutely torch the body fat while preserving the muscle.  On my stomach there's not a ton of difference from last year, since I don't hold much fat there anyway, but on my hips/ass/hamstrings it's just eradicated it.  

As far as side-effects, from the ephedrine I noticed none.  The first day I took the caff. pills I felt a bit jittery after the first one, but by the 2nd dose that day I was fine.  I have Yombine powder, and the dose is uber small, it comes with this tiny microscoop. I couldn't tell if it was working or not, but when I double the dose I'm practically ready to run through a wall, and ultra-jittery, so I know it's doing something.   

I am SUPER happy with the results so far, and I'm going to post a couple pictures here.  I'll take some of my back next week as well. Also, ultra rare picture of me without my face blurred out: 

August 1, 2014 Lower/Upper

  • Deadlift (deload): 315*1,1,1,1,1
  • Incline Bench Press: 225*2 245*1 255*1
  • Hanging Power Snatch: 135*3 145*1 150*1
  • BB Rows: 225*2 245*1 255*1

Very happy with progress on BB Rows.  Really working on form and keeping from hitching my back.  I'm very happy with how quickly I've put weight back on these since I stripped it off and corrected my form.  Makes me think I should take a look at other movements I do so I can correct any form errors. 

July 30, 2014 Dodgeball! (Evening Workout)

  • Dodgeball: 85 minutes

Good times!

July 30, 2014 Sprinting (Morning)

  • 110m: 6
  • Total: 660m

Good morning workout, quick.  Felt good and fast. Will time myself soon. 

July 28, 2014 Lower/Upper

  • Squats: 315*1 335*1 355*1 365*1 375*1
  • Front Squats: 275*1 250*2
  • Bench Press (No Arch, Paused Reps): 225*1 250*1 265*1 275*1
  • T-Bar Rows: 160*3 170*2 180*1
  • Push Press: 225*1 no drive. I'm tired.

Squats were good and deep, felt great, really focused on using my hips to get up from parallel.  

July 27, 2014 Sprinting

  • 220m: 1
  • 110m: 6
  • Total: 880m
Was going to time myself, but the track was 'spongy'. It's been raining for a day or two.  

July 25, 2014 Upper (Evening Workout)

  • Incline Bench: 225*1 245*1 255*1
  • Barbell Rows: 185*3 205*3 225*2 250*2
  • Standing Press: 135*3 150*3 160*2
  • Pullups: 75*2 75*1 75*1
  • Suitcase Carries: 50*50 50*50
Again felt a bit flat, probably from the 2 a days.  But not a bad session.  Good to mix pullups back in. I notice if I don't let my scaps get pulled out of position at the bottom then my left elbow is fine and doesn't feel tight when I do these. 

July 25, 2014 Sprinting (Morning Workout)

  • 220m: 2
  • 110m: 2
  • Total: 660m
Good session, nothing of note really.

July 24, 2014 Lower

  • Hanging Power Snatches: 135*2 150*2 160*1
  • HPC: 185*2 205*1 225*X
  • Deadlift: 405*1 455*2 455*1
  • HPS: 135*4
  • Dead Bugs: 8,8,8,9

Absolutely no pop here. Almost nodding off between sets, I don't think I slept very good last night. 

July 23, 2014 Dodgeball!

  • Dodgeball: 90 minutes

Good evening workout, shoulder isn't even really sore afterward at this point. I think it's back to normal, although I'll be careful about loading up push presses for another few weeks. 

July 23, 2014 Sprinting (Morning Workout)

  • 110m: 6
  • Total: 660m
  • Broad Jumps: 9' 1", 9' 1", 9' 1"
Morning workout before dodgeball in the evening. I have time now, since I left my job before business school starts next month.  A bit disappointed in my broad jumps, I guess I haven't been doing them lately though so that's probably effecting things. I want to try and get lower before I jump too, I have a tendency to barely load up at the hips. 

July 21, 2014 Lower

  • Front Squats: 25*1 270*1 290*1
  • Good Mornings: 250*1 275*1 290*1 NEW PR!! 300*1 NEW PR!!
  • Squats: 315*1 335*1 355*1 exhausted

woooooo.  I know good morning PRs aren't that big of a deal, but it still felt good.  Back was exhausted by the time I got to squats.  It's ok, I wasn't trying to go heavy on them today.