November 25, 2012

November 23, 2012 Lower Body

  • Squats: 230*5 280*5 305*4 315*3 325*1
  • Squats From Pins: 225*5 245*3
  • Bulgarian Split Squats: 35*10 40*10
  • Reverse Hypers (3 second hold at top): 100*4 100*3
  • Kneeling start 1/2 court sprints: 5 per leg
  • Bird-Dogs: 5...can't lift legs
46 Minutes

This might've been the most exhausted my body was after a workout.  I was in a foul mood, just angry, which usually actually messes with my concentration. This time though it just made me get violent with the weights.  The squatting felt great, feels good to be moving back up not just on the weight, but on the reps as well.  Just felt solid pushing up out of the bottom of the movement.  I think the pin squats helped.  Really went in on the pin squats, I love them.  It almost feels like the squat version of a deadlift, since each rep starts from a dead stop.  Was sucking wind after them.  Went to split squats and decimated my quads & ass some more.  I needed to take a couple minutes after each set because I was drained at this point.  I knelt down to record the numbers for the set in my pad and could barely get up.   Did some reverse hypers with a hold at the top, and could barely hold it.  I figure holding at the top of the movement is good because it should help me fight the urge to crunch forward when squatting.  We'll see.  Regardless after that I thought I was going to collapse.  Still went and did some sprints after.  Hardest sprints I've ever had to do. Tried doing some bird dogs after, but literally could not lift my legs or hold them straight out behind me. Collapsed on the mat for a few minutes and rested instead.  Great session. 

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