December 26, 2011

December 26, 2011 Lower / Heavy

  • Deadlift: 405*3 430*3 440*3
  • Hanging Power Cleans: 185*3 195*3 205*2
  • Trap-Bar Deadlifts: 315*3 405*3 495*1 545*X

Whoo...good times. Probably could've done 450 here for a 3rd set. If I ramped up properly I could hit 500 right now I believe. But I'm going to keep adding poundage instead. I actually wanted to do some trap-bar deadlifting so I only did 3 sets of deadlifts, and 3 sets of hang cleans. The hang cleans went great, I'm really getting forceful with the jump and my catches are improving. Last week I got 200 for 3, but the 3rd was a really bad catch. If I had used that same form I could've gotten a 3rd at 205 but I didn't want to torque my spine again, so I just dropped it instead. The two that I got at 205 were solid. I need to start using chalk though, my grip is shot by the end of these. So the trap-bar deads went great, I was pretty tired but got 315 and 405 for easy triples. Decided to try 495 for a single, and if it went easy go for 515. I got 495 easily. I decided though that since 515 was my old record why not go for something a bit more challenging. Threw 545 on there, with my cellphone recording. I got it 2" off the ground and was just too tired to finish the rep (my sticking point is actually about 2" off the ground, unlike breaking it off the floor for most people), I've actually never failed to complete a pull that I've gotten past that 2" point. I think if I went 315 405 and 495 for singles I might've had a better chance. I deleted the video, but I regret it now, I haven't posted one in a while. Not all my videos need to be successful lifts. I'll try trap-barring again in a few weeks, see if I can get 545. 

note:  I've been doing hanging power cleans, I need to go back and correct this in previous entries.  

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