Good session, still over 300 on benching, squatting went well too. The whole session really all-around went well, felt like I had a ton of power, really mauled things and moved the weight explosively. Also, did some snatch-grip RDLs, helping with lat engagement, per an article here. Going to start throwing them in more.
I've had these for about 3 months and realized "oh crap I forgot to post them" these are from September 28, I was in the mid 190s for them. I don't think I was as lean as I've been in past years, but I feel like I'm a lot denser in these if that makes any sense. My muscles just look "thicker" to me. I've said to anyone that would ask that I'm more concerned with strength, power, and athletic performance, and the aesthetic side is just a bonus. That's still the case, so I'm 100% happy with these pics; I've never been stronger at the end of a cutting cycle before. I took in more calories on my workout days, which I think helped prevent me from catabolizing muscle like on prior cuts, and also just feeling worn out. None of that this summer. I think the slightly slower times in the 100s this year was not from age, but because my Tuesdays were spent on 400s. This coming year I think I'm going to do 100s on Tuesday & Saturday, and throw 400s on Wednesdays when I have time. On to the pics:
These first two are where I feel like I'm not as "cut" as in previous years, but just have a bunch more density and thickness, particularly in my lats.
Another one where you can see the extra mass on my legs. Really happy with this one.
I have no idea what this pose is....I just ended up looking really lean so I included it.
Traditional pose in this one, and the next one. As noted in previous years, for some reason my first ever progress pics I had this pose in there, so I try to recreate it each year. It's the only one I've done in every set.
Back to 300! Glad I kept something in the tank last workout, paid off here. Really felt great this whole session, not just with the weights but with the speed/violence with which I was able to move them.
Decent session, got 260 on incline....tried taking a wide stance on standing calf presses and felt it way more in the deep belly of the calf. Going to try that on the seated calf presses.
Starting with hanging power snatches on this day from now on, they really need a fresh CNS and hips, plus it's a good warmup for deadlifting. Was pressed for time, had a work party before that had me getting here about 40 minutes later than I like. Also, was using shitty thin bar for BB inclining, not good times.
Left clavicle hurting on benching...guess it's better than elbow & shoulder...weird though. Didn't really stop me, just an annoyance. Rest of workout went well.
Good stuff, felt good on the power snatches, they were one of the things that irritated my shoulders, felt great here though, going to get back to regular volume on them next week. Everything else went well!
I had an absolutely packed day yesterday so I couldn't get to the track. Womp womp...I thought I would be fresher then for this workout, instead I was stiff, and really just flat. I've written about this before; I don't do better with extra days off for some reason. I don't feel "fresher". I do perform better if I rearrange the week; so if I do a full body workout on Saturday instead of on Sunday the day after sprinting, I do fine. But if I miss one of my workouts, invariably the next one is garbage. The notable exception is max-effort sprinting, which seems to improve if I haven't worked my legs for 3+ days previously. This particular workout today was somewhat garbage, I barely got 365 on squatting, and same with 375. I think part of it was Thanksgiving as well; I hate Thanksgiving food and it really bothers my stomach. One really good thing here is that the elbow feels about 90% and though my shoulder was a bit irritated today I would say it's about 90% as well. Both well enough to go back to full-weight and volume on benching and back/lat work. Celebrated with some landmine rows. I love doing those things.
I was pressed for time here, which is fine because I was tired anyway. I've had this awful jury duty for the past few days that's forced me to work late into the night doing my actual job which I can't do during the day while at jury duty.
Really mild day out, it's been unseasonably cold for much of the past month or so, and rainier than I remember any late October / November being. Hence a bunch of track sessions that ended up being conditioning sessions at the gym. Anyway, this day was really mild out, I got some really good runs in.
It's been viciously cold out, so it was nice that the warmest day in a couple weeks was a track day. Did 8 sprints here, high effort on all of them, had a ton of energy, maybe from the warmth. Took off layers as I did runs, by the end was just in one extra top layer.
Back at it, feeling better....left elbow feels much better on the pullups, left shoulder is pain-free when benching. Time to ramp back up on weight! I'm glad that only took about 2 weeks to mend up. Overall I just did those two sets on the pullups because the elbow did feel like it was getting "noisy" at the end there, didn't want to re-irritate it.
BB DL: 315*1 365*1 405*1 435*1 455*1, 1
HPS: 105*1 125*1 145*1
BB Incline: 205*3 225*3 235*3 245*1 255*1 (raise this next time)
So I noted Thursday I was feeling weird, Friday I came down with this bizarre fever that kept spiking and then dropping. I soaked through my sheets Friday night and Saturday night, even though by Saturday night the fever was pretty much gone. I had no other symptoms other than really sore joints as well. I'm wondering if it was mild food poisoning without the stomach issues. I was shaking so bad I could barely move at one point, just weird all-around. I was sapped for this session so I kept volume low, and did Olympic squats since I go lighter on those anyway. One odd thing; once the fever went away and my joints felt better, the elbow & shoulder that had been bothering me felt almost entirely back to normal. They had been improving anyway, but this was a huge jump.
I felt sapped for this one, like tired all over, and just weird. Kept volume low. Took it easy on the rows to let that elbow rest more, it's almost back to normal.
Shoulder & elbow still are touchy, although not as bad, probably another 10% better than Thursday. Didn't push for 300 again here, going to wait one more week so shoulder gets better. Also my left side was definitely lower on some of the reps, when I forced the bar back to even the shoulder hurt WAY less. Had to squat on the shitty rack so I didn't push weight. Also, hit peg on way up of 265 attempt, so I dropped it and then re-did it. Lastly, I was carrying a 45 lbs plate in one hand and realized how much better my form was when I looked in the mirror, as opposed to the 80 lbs. db suitcase carries. That inspired me to drop the suitcase carry weight down to 60 lbs. My form was SO much better, and I felt it in my core much more because I wasn't listing over.
Elbow/shoulder feeling better still, not great, still hurts, but the pain is about 30% less at this point. So I'm not going TOO hard on them right now.
Left shoulder/elbow still hurt, not quite as bad though, which is a good sign I suppose. Got flattened on that 300 attempt on benching, I think my left side has been lower as I push, maybe from the shoulder irritation. Also, cable rows did not hurt my elbow, which is a good sign as well.
My left shoulder has been really irritated, and is still so currently....hurts when I rotate my arm up over my head and then back, like right when I'm at the part of the rotation that has the arm straight up overhead. Also, left elbow hurts too, when doing back exercises like rows or pullups. That actually hurts worse than the shoulder. Going to try and work through it, if it starts to feel a bit better. Again, maybe taking a few days off would help but I'd rather just push through.
Crappy weather the past couple Saturdays has forced me down to sprinting once per week and doing sled pushes at the gym on Saturdays instead. Decent session here at least, weather wasn't too cold.
Head of the Charles going on today so I went to the gym instead of the track. Good session, only took about 15 minutes. Left shoulder has been sore last few workouts, hopefully not using it until Thursday helps.
Played around with schedule here a bit again; doing this on a Saturday instead of a Sunday so only 48 hours after previous full body session. I did the same thing last week and didn't notice an effect, this time I did though, didn't have a ton of drive on the heavier sets. Need to increase weight on standing calves, even going slow here it was too light. Also the 85s were taken so I had to suitcase carry with the 90s, definitely too much. May actually drop the weigh back to 75 or 80 even and really focus on the form of it.
Good session, was a bit pressed on time so didn't really get a chance to do as many sets as I would have wanted. Also, no clue why I lost it on overhead carries, should have gotten a full circuit. The numbers are a rough % of the full circuit I do around the weight room at the gym.
So something came up right before this, delaying when I ate, which meant I had a somewhat full stomach here...Fortunately it was somewhat of a deload week for deadlifting. Didn't do weighted carries, I don't think my stomach could've taken that & abs seeing as I still was digesting. Not too bad overall, given the condition.
Laying off the 400s for a bit, want to focus on 100 times, so need to do more 110s. I know I'm bulking, but I feel like the 100s are more anabolic than the 400s, so it makes sense. High effort on these here.
Starting bulking workouts now, focusing on strength...still have to do a writeup about it in more depth. Also, continuing with theme on calves; using much lighter weight and going slower and deeper on all reps, really feeling the calf muscle work.
Good session, got some broad jumps in too, I've wanted to frequently this past summer, but every time I would check the sand pit, it was wet. Don't want to land on that, it's like hitting concrete.
Good session here, going to write about bulking goals soon. Did seated calves really slow and focused on making sure my calves were doing the moving as opposed to using some sort of snap motion from momentum at the botom.
I took Sunday off as I had mentioned....and like I had mentioned, after a day off (and delaying track session by one day due to rain) I was .16 off a 200m PR, with no caffeine or pre-workout in me...Got REALLY close, I could feel it.
I'm still really sore in my lower abdomen; I used an ab roller Wednesday and I sometimes get this lingering soreness from it that interferes with my ability to lock down or brace my core. Still felt it today. I don't think it's a pull, it just needs to recover. I was going to take tomorrow off anyway, it's been 10 straight sessions without an off-week from squatting, and my legs have had some lingering soreness. May see if I can pop a PR Tuesday in the 400 with fresh legs...
I took progress pictures yesterday, my core is really sore now, to the point it kind of interfered with lifting heavy here...did as much as I could though. Will write about goals for this fall/winter soon.
Getting close to the end of this cutting cycle....really been at maintenance for the past month. Going to focus on strength for this coming bulking cycle, so lower reps all around probably...more on that later. Also, did my yearly set of bicep curls here.
Was really hoping for faster on the 200....track was damp, but still. I thought I had a PR in me, and I think if the track wasn't spongy I would've had it. Instead missed it by .5 seconds.
37th birthday goodness. I still remember the last few minutes of being 29, counting down to 30....7 years ago. I have to say, not to sound conceited, but I take the fact that I've held up pretty well as validation. Of my sleep/rest schedule, the way I've structured workout, and probably most of all how I eat/supplement. I've been so busy with the first year of this new career, and other adult things that I haven't had much time to write about a lot of that stuff. But I'm catching up finally, and soon I'm going to be writing articles again. I love sharing this stuff and helping people. goodness. It's time to start down other adult paths as well, that's part of why I started the new career I'm in now. It's also why I structured my routine at the gym/track the way I did, starting last year. I don't want to have kids and be one of those people that lets their fitness go to complete shit. Conversely, I don't want to be someone that only spends time in the gym or working out, and misses the fun in the rest of life. As I got older I realized there were so many things I wanted to do with my time, and had to find balance, but didn't want to sacrifice health/fitness/etc. That's why I switched to the full body workouts, and geared those days towards max performance in the gym. It's let me maintain where I've been at, while getting back 2 extra days during the week to do other things I enjoy. One last note, I've noticed that when I take a few days off before a workout I still come close to / hit PRs. My performance has not slid as I age. I'm considering chasing some this bulking phase...more on that later. So anyway, got a track session in here, still a bit fatigued from earlier this week.
I decided to work on starts....the 60s are just brutal...I didn't think I had to rest as much between them but by the end I realized that was a mistake..
Whoah....had a TON of energy here....3rd & 4th 400s were actually faster than the 2nd one. I was just feeling it. Absolutely no idea if this is a sign my endurance has picked up, or if it's just a fluke...I don't think I'm any better rested than I usually am before these days.
It does appear dodgeball is over, yesterday no one showed up....feels like an ending really. I'm somewhat sad, maybe we'll put up some posters to attract new people after Labor Day, or maybe this is it...
Good times, real small crowd again...been a lot of games like that, even a couple weeks recently where we couldn't really play because of too few people. I'm wondering if dodgeball has run its course at my gym. If so, it was fun while it lasted...almost 5 years.
Tried the 1.5 deadlifts here those things really kick the crap out of me. The plus-side is my hips weren't as fatigued and got some good hanging power snatches in.
woooooo wasn't sure I had that in me, felt like I was absolutely flying, but had that happen a few times this year and not come close to a PR. Tied it here, fastest time I've run in 2 years. I think it's time to get blocks, towards the end of this season when it's cooling off and I'm not worried that I'm wasting a potential PR attempt day.
So I saw this guy doing what looked like 1.5 deadlifts the other day....since I do 1.5 pullups, I asked him about it. Apparently it's part of the Sheiko program. Thought I'd give them a try today....holy shit. My stabilizers/lower/back/core really bore the brunt of it, in a good way. Tried doing tempo pullups...don't think I really like them, felt my biceps taking over the movement too much.
wooooooo new 400 PR....granted it's still slow, but seeing as how I'm in the mid-190s I'm pretty happy with it. I was away this weekend, so I was well-rested. I have the feeling that if I took a couple days off before any of the various sessions I have that I could set new PRs in strength/speed. Regardless, I was almost done after that 400, took me about 15 minutes just to be able to move again. No idea how I managed to get another (slower) 400 in after that one.
Another semi-deload, I'm going to take it easy with deadlifting for a few weeks, posterior chain was feeling worn out there, still feeling a bit so now, and CNS felt flat too. The weather has been really sticky, high dewpoints as well, makes it hard to sleep at night because I either have the AC on making noise or leave it off and am too hot to sleep. Hopefully, a weekend up north and some rest will get things back on track....Taking it easy last week on the deadlifts/squats definitely seemed to help me recover some.
Good session, last 400 was tough, hopefully next week I can get close to a PR, really loaded up with volume here. This weekend going to New Hampshire, so I should be fresh next Tuesday.
Good session here, tried not doing 505 on 1/4 pin squats since it drains me so much, and it's really done just to warm me up for squatting. I seemed to feel fresher for the rest of the session.
Doing a bit of a deload here, been a bit sore the past week, even with skipping the Saturday sprinting. I think it's just the accumulation of cutting, I'm upping protein now to try and counter the effect so I don't go into my usual August slowdown on the track, and gym now that I think of it.
It was raining out pretty bad, not enough to flood the track but enough to shorten the workout significantly. I did a warm up 110 and then went right over for a 400, and nearly set a PR.
Going to the beach tomorrow so I switched to a full body workout today, and taking the weekend off from short-track sprinting. Body obviously not at 100% since it's been less than 48 hours since the previous workout.
I'm really enjoying using dodgeball as extra cardio....I always viewed it as that, but this summer I'm prepping my meals for the day the same way I would before a sprinting session.
Still oppressive out, and my legs are still fairly burnt out...that first 400 I really gutted out, I don't think I've ever been in more agony at the end of a 400 like that. The time wasn't even that good though, if I had fresh legs and put in that effort I'd be at 60 seconds.
I got some tired legs, but still got through things here. I also realized that I haven't done push pressing in over a year, no clue how that happened. I'll probably forget again after this.
Decent time on the 100, got 11.92, didn't really feel like after that I could do a ton more 100s, so I decided to work on my starts a bit by doing 40s at the end here...Absolutely KILLED my legs, pushing off the line.
Another hot day, although slightly cooler, probably about 125 on the track and heat index just over 100. Since no dodgeball today I decided to celebrate my independence from being slow by posting my best 400 time of the season. It's a low bar though, I really haven't gone all-out on one yet. I'm also carrying more weight than I have in past years; I kept up with the high rep cycles in the gym, so I have more muscle on me, including on the upper body. I'm about as lean as usual, but that's a function of body fat %.
Not bad, still nipping at the 11s, I've been slower this year. Not sure if it's age starting to show or shitty starts off the line. It feels more like the latter, I kind of stumble off the line this season as opposed to really pushing myself forward. Also, it was broiling hot out for this session, 130 on the track. I've mentioned it before, and will again, I love the heat. So easy to get loose, get a good sweat up, it's by far my favorite running weather. However, this heat wave is also accompanied by incredibly high dew points, so heat index is around 106. That makes it like breathing soup, so it's a balance between that and my love for the heat.
I'm going to the beach tomorrow, and it was time for an off-day from the 100m sprinting, so I moved my full body workout to today. It went well, hit 290 on bench. Posterior chain was still sore from Thursday so I led with front squats, hit 300 since I didn't have 1/4 pin squats & regular squats before them.
Good session, but I'm getting worn out, I mentioned taking some time off about 10 days ago, I think I'm going to take off Sunday's session and recharge a bit. I hate doing it so close to another off day I took a couple weeks back, but I'm shot; the previous week I sprinted on Friday to make room for hiking on Saturday, so that was 6 out of 7 days of going hard. Also, sternum pullups back in, going to add more reps here hopefully.
Played past 9 PM this time, 100 minutes total, longest we've ever gone for...felt great. Most rounds last something like 5 minutes, maybe 8 on the higher end. Anything past 10 is probably in the 95th percentile. You take a few minutes before the next round begins, and you recover. An insanely long round will be about 20 minutes, we've only had a few of those. Those tend to be the games with fewer people where it's easier to bail team-mates out of jail because there's no one there to guard it (look up jail style dodgeball for an explanation). We had that tonight, and for whatever reason, the rounds were incredibly long. First one was about 35 minutes, next one was about 20. I think the total for the evening was 7 or 8 rounds, so we averaged about 12-14 minutes. Just nuts.
Legs tired....everything tired really. Hiking yesterday wore me out. Also, right shoulder has been irritated lately, just making note. Took it easy on waiter walks because of that, wasn't sure it would stay locked for the whole time. Didn't go heavy here on anything really, going to start ramping up on bench again for several weeks, today was more of an exploratory mission given how fatigued I am.
Good times on the 4 100s, all around 12, and that's after a busy day, and on a stomach that was too full. As always, times are without blocks, no crouch, standing start. I may need to get blocks this season and see if I can get in to the 10s.
Starting to feel a bit worn down, I think to avoid the burnout I experience at the track in late July/August I'm going to take a day off here and there over the next couple weeks, and not be super-strict with the diet. I think of my body like a field, you can't keep pushing it to produce without it failing, so every now and then you need to let it go fallow for a period of time. I'm going to play it by ear over the next 10-14 days, and if I'm craving something I'll eat it, and if I'm exhausted I'll take the day off.
Took Thursday off for a function I went to. The result was I felt pretty good during the sprinting. Tried adding on some broad jumps, but I was pretty much toast at that point.
Hopefully going to be going two out of every three weeks or three out of every four over the next few months. It really is my only aerobic cardio that I can stand doing...
Figured out that if I rest the bar further down on squats then I can do the movement more comfortably. Today wasn't quite low-bar, but it was pretty close, I like it.
Felt good...trying to get back in groove with 400s, got knocked off track by the chest/head cold a few weeks back and then getting rained-out last week. Capacity wasn't quite there, but I'm sure I'll be fine within next week or two.
Went hiking/bird-watching in the morning, and then sprinted early afternoon. Legs felt pretty good, if not a bit fatigued from hiking earlier in the day. Plus it was raining out. Again.
Felt flat this session. Not weak, just sort of flat. Legs were still sore a couple days later still. Really felt flat physically, like I needed a day off. Fortunately Tuesday it was torrential rain outside, I've never seen it rain that hard in Boston. Track was certainly flooded & overflowing, so I took the day off. Did the same Thursday; I went birdwatching for a few hours in the morning, so I got some hiking in, and then rested.
Feeling a bit flat lately, at least leg-wise...may take off next Tuesday (sprint day) and Thursday to see if that reinvigorates them. Maybe I will anyway, who knows.
Still sick, it's a bit cool out, but I wanted to get some type of exercise in. I had a scheduled off-day from the gym today anyway, but after not sprinting yesterday I wanted to get something done.
Went birdwatching/hiking for 5 hours today. I was ridiculously sick for it too, I have a brutal head cold. I was on anti-biotics for a month, go off them and immediately get sick. Unbelievable.
Not a bad session. I've been fighting off an ear infection for the better part of a month on antibiotics, which wasn't fun, but I finally got past it, and I'm off the antibiotics. I didn't seem to be any worse for wear while on them, probably all the pro/pre-biotic food I eat.
As expected, my legs were a bit fatigued, not use to the workload from yesterday yet. THat's fine, still got a good session in. Also doing another few weeks of higher rep benching here, want to see how high I can push my 9 or 10 rep max.
Yaaaay finally a warm enough day to do short-track stuff on! Went hard on these, I'm sure my legs will be tired tomorrow, but it felt great. Was only going to do 6, but the weather was so nice I just kept pushing.
Not a bad session...still need to decide what I'm doing here with things...I'm thinking going higher rep HPS & Incline benching, since I am cutting, and always wanted to try higher rep sets when doing that. Deadlifts I'll play by ear. Also, continuing to add reps to that first set of chinups...probably going to do them for 2 more weeks before rolling back to pullups. Focused on form with Paloffs again, really no need to go that heavy with them I realized.
It was warm out today, but by the time I got to the track, it was rapidly cooling. Couldn't really get up to full speed, hard keeping warm...still, got the work in.
Figured my legs would be a bit tired after yesterday so led off with upper body stuff here. Went pretty well. For lower body, since my legs were still toasted from yesterday I did Olympic depth squats, with a pause at the bottom. Really challenging to keep everything tight when I was at the bottom there, loved the challenge.
Decent session....feel a bit rudderless with deadlifting/hps/incline benching lately. Kind of straddling between going high rep or high weight. Need to make a decision there. Chinups continue to go splendidly, probably going to do them for another couple weeks.
Tried to see if doing 505 for fewer reps didn't sap my energy as much on the squats. It didn't seem to make a difference. Rest of session went fine; tried a row variant where I hold it at the top for a few seconds, really added a degree of difficulty to the movement.
Went to the Bruins game last night (first playoff game I've been to), had a blast. That necessitated moving this session to Friday. I was fine with that, but I bet by Sunday I'll be worn down from 3 straight sessions. Tried taking it a little easy here. Also, haven't done chinups in a couple years probably...I'm writing this down here on back still has DOMS in a spot I haven't felt worked in ages. May do a few weeks of chinups and see what happens.
So this summer I've decided that on the weeks I don't do dodgeball I'm going to do a supplemental sprinting session, most likely 200s. I don't know if I'll do this deep into the summer/autumn as I've battled burnout in past years, but while I'm ramping up into early June I'll definitely be doing these.
Still recovering from that weird reaction yesterday, got a workout in nonetheless. Nothing spectacular, but given how I was feeling I'm glad I got anything in at all. Also, Happy Easter!
Fighting off an ear infection, on zithromycin. Didn't really effect me for the sprinting, but later in the day after I had a couple beers I threw my guts up to the point I blew blood vessels in my eyes and face. This is after only two beers, so I think it's safe to say I had some sort of reaction. Not good times.
Had a ton of energy, pulled 500, felt great. Hadn't done regular pullups in ages, got 13 on that first set, amazing how much harder sternum pullups are from that extra couple of inches at the top of the rep. Kept weight low and form locked down on paloffs.
Nice day out, almost 50, not much wind....track is clear after that storm missed us and several days in the 40s. Really pounded these 110s, went full speed on all of them. Few more weeks and I'll take a time in the 100 to get a baseline for where I'm at.
Not super energetic here, but still enough to get 280 on incline benching. Dialed back a bit on the deadlifts this week, reps I did do felt like a bit of a grind though, didn't have a ton of pop in my break from the floor. That may have been because I had to use the thick bar; it's almost Texas-Bar type thickness.
Played some basketball for maybe 15 minutes beforehand...I forgot how much I love it. I can actually jump even higher now, makes driving to the hoop easier.
Slushy snow on parts of the track, really slowed me down on the 400, just did one here. I never thought there'd come a day where only doing one 400 was odd for me. I'm hoping once the track is clear I can get back to doing 2-4 during these sessions. We may have another Nor'easter coming, which would be the 4th in 3 weeks, hopefully it blows over though.
Well this was a fun session...bumped up 1/4 pin squats, probably not going to keep it there though, just too draining. Benched 300, felt good & clean too. Got 250 on 2 different sets, haven't done that in a while either. Haven't done DB rows in ages either, so that was fun. Continuing to move up on triples with squatting; I'll probably stay at that weight next week as well.
Went up the ladder here with weight on guillotine pressing, going to try regular benching next week. Front squats went well, hit 300 again. Dropped weight on the paloff presses, feel like I was getting sloppy with them. No reason to be prideful there, I'd rather have nice abs.
Good session, was feeling strong...475 on deadlifts...275 on incline benching. Probably going to take a few weeks of going heavy on it before returning to another cycle of higher rep sets. Carrying on with hanging leg raises...I really enjoy them even if they go against my tradition of core work being more anti-flexion/anti-rotational.
Did 3 400s again...really getting used to it now. Just relaxing my traps/shoulders, especially between the 150m-300m mark has made such a huge difference. I think the next key will be making sure to keep my arms chopping fast enough...I actually want to focus on that in the 100m as well, I think that's been a weak link for the past year now.
I think I may raise the weight on pin squats, as crazy as that sounds...Also, doing triples at 315 here for full squatting, taking advantage of how light it feels after the 1/4 squats. Maybe move up the weight in 10 lbs. increments. Starting to peter out on the higher rep stuff for guillotine pressing as well, probably going to up the weight next week.
Good times, practiced getting to max speed and then cruised to the end instead of pushing all the way. Wanted to keep that 'top gear' awake without battering myself too bad.
Got 3 400s this time.....was much more bundled up though. Still, considering I didn't even really do 2 in a session last summer (may have done it once or twice, I don't remember), I'm pretty happy with these results. I made two changes last week before I got the 4 in, and I think that has made the difference. First, I had more caffeine at work, I had 4 cups of tea evenly spaced throughout the day, with the last one around 4PM, about 90 minutes before the session. Second, I finally forced myself to relax my shoulders when running. I have a really bad habit of tensing up my traps/ shoulders/ rhomboids and by about 200 meters it's excruciating and interferes with my breathing. One of the keys to running well is to relax; it sounds counter-intuitive, but you actually can run faster. Here's a quick article on why.
Was somewhat fatigued from yesterday....still hit 405 on squats, haven't done that in ages. Felt good. I think it's about time to go heavy again on benching and end this cycle of higher rep stuff for both incline and guillotine pressing...maybe 4 weeks of heavy stuff and then back to higher reps. Added in hanging leg raises for my core, used wrist wraps to securely hang from a chin-up bar and did the exercise.
Actually stayed for the whole 90 minutes this time, hadn't done that in ages. We'll see how fatigued I am tomorrow after the sprinting yesterday & this today.
WHOAH....ok, so running in extra layers makes it hard to cool off while I'm mid-sprint, and also just impedes movement and makes it harder. Today was 75, so I needed no extra layers, just shorts, didn't even need a shirt. Also had 4 cups of tea over the course of work today. I think being unimpeded by extra layers and that caffeine combined to give me a ton of energy. For reference, I've never done more than 2 400s in one session before. I did 4 here. The plan was for 2. I wanted to focus on relaxing my traps/shoulders/neck during the sprints, since tensing up is a common mistake. I found that it made breathing and just the experience much more bearable, especially the ends of the sprints. The first one I was going about 85%, the next 3 about 80%. So it's not like I was going slow. What I found was that on the final 100 straightaway I was able to actually push speed instead of just "stringing out" momentum and hoping to not slow down too much at the end. I'm still kind of feeling good now a couple hours after finishing. Most 400s I've ever done, and most total meters in a session as well. Good way to kick the cutting cycle up a notch.
Went to Great Meadows NWR, it was so muddy/icy...I love it; I take some kind of enjoyment out of hiking or walking through conditions like that. Got to test out some waterproof hiking sneakers I got, they performed well.
Was up late last night, kind of threw me off a bit here, still got some good work in. I'm recording this on a Tuesday and my lats are still sore from the LM rows. Finally upped the weight on the seated calf press, no clue why I wasn't going up incrementally all along.
Continuing to add reps at 225 on incline, but I think next week I'm going to max out, give myself a break from higher rep stuff here, feels like I'm fatiguing on it a bit, at least on incline pressing. Also....that cluster on deadlifting made me feel like an animal, was really enjoyable. Tried putting pullups here, again, just gassed by the time I got to them. Thinking of moving them earlier in the rotation.