June 24, 2018

June 10, 2018 Full Body

Legs tired....everything tired really. Hiking yesterday wore me out.  Also, right shoulder has been irritated lately, just making note.  Took it easy on waiter walks because of that, wasn't sure it would stay locked for the whole time.  Didn't go heavy here on anything really, going to start ramping up on bench again for several weeks, today was more of an exploratory mission given how fatigued I am. 

  • Squats: 315*1 335*1 350*1 315*2
  • Front Squats: 225*1 250*1, 1
  • Bench Press: 225*2 245*1 265*1 275*1
  • Guillotine Press: 185*5
  • BB Rows: 250*5,5,5,5
  • Seated Calves: 115*15, 15
  • Waiter Walk: 75*100 
  • Dead Bugs: 10, 10 

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