August 12, 2012

August 7, 2012 Lower

  • Deadlifts: 315*5 410*X WEK:NTKEWJ:TJKSNDF Back.. 135*10 225*X
  • Hanging Power Cleans:  135*5 185*X-Back 135*5

aaaah SHIT.  So my back was feeling about 90%.  Did the bar, 135, 225, 275, and 315 to make sure everything was decent.  Was sore, but felt capable.  Went to pull 410 and couldn't budge it. Weird...that's usually a borderline warmup set for me. Reset, got down and threw everything I had behind it.  Got it 5" off the ground and then....I can't describe what the hell happened.  My lower back muscles on both side cramped, felt like they were roiling, and then seized up completely.  I dropped the weight and then fell backwards.  Friend got a foam roller and I stretched it out, so I could stand up again.  Several minutes go by and it's still painful.  Try 135 and get it fine, doesn't hurt any worse.  Try 225 and can't even move it.  Switch to hanging cleans.....can get 135, but again as soon as I throw any kind of real weight on the bar, can't do it.     

After I was in some pretty bad pain/soreness/stiffness.  Ice didn't do anything. Heat didn't do anything. Tried poking/prodding/massaging. Nothing.  Not sure what this is. I hope it's not my spine/disc in the spine.  When I stand and try raising my leg I feel a sharp pulling pain in my lower back.  When I sit I feel pressure build up in my lower back, far out on the sides, and also in my lower abdomen near where you would have a hernia (I don't appear to have any). Plus my left calf keeps getting this weird tingling pain in it when I sit for too long. All of this happens when I stand for too long as well.  Shit.

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