May 31, 2011


I'm just doing an upper/lower heavy/light split; I think originally I was doing one outlined by Ripptoe, but that was a few years ago, and I've modified it for my own needs. I just rearranged the days of the split recently (not what I'm doing on them) to make scheduling easier. Last week, and this week I'm just doing everything high rep, for the fun of it really, and to give my lower back a break. It's been a great shock to my system because I neeeeeeeeeeever do higher rep squats, deadlifting, or flat benching eeeeeeeeeeeever.

It may look like there's a lot of variation week to week in what I do, but if you look closely you'll see that on certain days there are ALWAYS certain exercises going on. So for instance my upper/heavy workout will ALWAYS have flat barbell benching, and barbell rows in it. Unless I'm taking a week to shock my system and doing dumbbells or something, but those are only every couple months.

Quick side-note, I plan on keeping it pretty close to this when I'm done cutting, but I'll be carb cycling differently then. My conditioning days will still be low carb (around 50g net), but my upper body days will be medium carbs. Those days will be around 120 net. That's where I am now for my non conditioning days. The main difference though will be on my lower body days, which just absolutely drain me. I'll be higher on carbs for them, possibly as high as 250-300g, with fat intake greatly restricted.

Split...On non-conditioning days 4 sets typically on the first 2 movements, 2-3 on the later ones):

Sunday: Conditioning
Tabata of some explosive movement (ball slams, kb swings, ropes)
Plyo Jumps (I play basketball so this helps)
Plyo Pushups
Some sort of rollout movement
Palloff Presses

Monday: Upper/Heavy (3-5 rep maxes)
Flat BB Benching
Barbell Rows
DB Flat Benching
Pullup variation

Tuesday: Lower/Light (8-10 rep maxes)
BB Squats
Snatches (only do these in sets of 3 though)
Reverse Hypers

Wednesday: Conditioning
Complex (usually Cosgrove's evil 8)

Thursday: Upper/Light (8-10 rep maxes)
BB Incline Benching
DB Incline
Cable Rows

Friday: Lower/Heavy (3-5 rep maxes)
BB Deadlifts
Rack Pulls/DB Bulgarian Split Squats/Leg Press/Whatever
Honestly you've seen my legs, they basically grow just looking at weight, and deadlifting knocks me out so I just do whatever I feel like as a followup exercise.

Saturday: Off
Fat kid Saturday. Eat whatever I want. I still do my morning shake, and always have a 12" tuna grinder from Subway for lunch, dinner typically varies though, sometimes I'll still do my normal steak and then a meal out, other times just a meal out. The next day is a conditioning day, I figure after all my glycogen, etc. is restored by Saturday, any excess gets siphoned off by the conditioning work I do Sunday.

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