December 24, 2018

2018 Progress Pics

I've had these for about 3 months and realized "oh crap I forgot to post them" these are from September 28, I was in the mid 190s for them.  I don't think I was as lean as I've been in past years, but I feel like I'm a lot denser in these if that makes any sense.  My muscles just look "thicker" to me.  I've said to anyone that would ask that I'm more concerned with strength, power, and athletic performance, and the aesthetic side is just a bonus.  That's still the case, so I'm 100% happy with these pics; I've never been stronger at the end of a cutting cycle before.  I took in more calories on my workout days, which I think helped prevent me from catabolizing muscle like on prior cuts, and also just feeling worn out.  None of that this summer.  I think the slightly slower times in the 100s this year was not from age, but because my Tuesdays were spent on 400s.  This coming year I think I'm going to do 100s on Tuesday & Saturday, and throw 400s on Wednesdays when I have time.  

On to the pics:

 These first two are where I feel like I'm not as "cut" as in previous years, but just have a bunch more density and thickness, particularly in my lats.  
 Another one where you can see the extra mass on my legs.  Really happy with this one. 
 I have no idea what this pose is....I just ended up looking really lean so I included it. 
Traditional pose in this one, and the next one.  As noted in previous years, for some reason my first ever progress pics I had this pose in there, so I try to recreate it each year.  It's the only one I've done in every set.  

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