Yesterday after doing my upper-body workout I was pretty wiped out. I slept about 9 hours last night, yet I was still dragging a bit. I was a bit tired during the workout today, and afterward I was dragging really bad. I took a brief nap but was still tired, and had that groggy/fuzzy feeling. Not good times.
Now a couple hours later I feel energetic, sharp, and am mulling doing some yoga or something. So what changed?I did 4 lines of cocaine. I had a small cheat meal. When you're in the first couple weeks of a cut and you're still getting into the routine, the temptation to cheat may be higher. I try and make sure I do not let this happen here, since I'm trying to get into a rhythm. But once I have established that, I start listening to my body more. If I have a craving for a food, as long as it's not hideous, I'll let myself go for it once per week maybe. Today I realized I felt carb-starved, and have for a couple days. I had a couple PB&J sandwiches, and some tortellini soup for dinner. Within an hour I felt better. The cravings had vanished, I had perked back up, and I would be willing to bet I feel better tomorrow as well.
Now a couple hours later I feel energetic, sharp, and am mulling doing some yoga or something. So what changed?