July 28, 2011

July 28, 2011

  • BB Incline Bench / Pullup Superset: 235*4/ 10 245*3/ 9 245*2/ 8
  • Unilateral DB Flat Bench: 90*6 100*5
  • Cable Rows: 140*10 160*7
  • BB Standing Press: 145*4 150*4 155*2
  • Doubled-Up Banded Bench Press: 135*6 185*5 205*4
Good session, felt a bit long though.  The pullups went very well, I was pretty jacked up all workout.  I think I have the timing of the rice pre workout down.  I did it about a half hour earlier than usual and it worked MUCH Better than eating it right before going.  I think I may move the unilateral DB bench to my other upper day, it would fit in better there.  Progressing on standing press, really getting the hang of exploding off the bottom.  On banded bench I need to use a heavier db like last week to anchor the bands. I used the 90s this week and they rolled a bit.  Here's a video of the unilateral bench set, for my left arm, with the 100 lbs. db:

 A couple of pointers if you try these:
  1. These will tax your core and stabilizer muscles to a ridiculous extent, do not let your body slide off the bench or 'slump' to one side, stay nice and straight on the bench
  2. Keep your legs on the ground.  If the leg on the opposite side of your body that is moving the weight comes off the ground it's time to end the set, or use less weight.
  3. The narrower you place your feet the more challenging it is to keep balanced, and the more intense the contraction of your core muscles. 
  4. Do not grab onto the bench with your free hand, leave it in the air or off to the side.
  5. Don't hold a DB in the other hand as this offsets the load and makes it much easier on your core and stabilizing muscles, which get absolutely torched doing these.

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