- Squats: 315*3 315*3315*3315*3315*3315*3315*3315*3315*3315*3315*3 (11 sets!)
- Front Squats: 225*2 245*2
- Good Mornings: 225*2 245*2
- Dead Bugs: 8, 8
whoooooo. Figured I'd do a few sets, then after the 2nd I decided to go for 10, figuring I'd not quite make it. Got there, and did one more. 33 reps total, or more than my last 6 squatting sessions combined I believe. Felt great actually. Dead bugs went well, I have this pain in my lower abdomen lately when sprinting, or at least the first couple, and when doing ab exercises. MAY be a sports hernia, will have to see. It's not bad enough to cause discomfort most of the time, and really only pops up with dead bugs, sometimes with deadlifting (rarely), and on my first couple sprints. I'll write about it later.
Also another good thing with those 3 rep sets, by the last 7 or so I was really keyed in on using the proper muscle groups to move the weight, and really felt it. I tend to be quad dominant, but the more sets I do, your quads will fatigue before posterior chain, leaving the posterior chain to do the bulk of moving, which it should be.