April 27, 2014

April 25, 2014 Lower / Heavy

  • Deadlifts: 405*1 435*1 455*1 475*1
  • Romanian Deadlifts: 275*3 315*3 365*2
  • Step-Ups: 75*3 60*5
  • Wide-Stance Anti-Rotational Chops: 80*4 90*3
Good session, threw in romanians since my shoulder still hurts if I lift it over my head, which eliminates snatches, and the movement for cleans hurts it too...not sure what's going on. Hopefully a couple days off from using it this weekend fixes it. 

April 24, 2014 Upper / Heavy

  • Seated Overhead Press: 95*3 right shoulder-nope.
  • Unilateral BB T-Bar Rows: 135*3 145*3 155*3 165*3
  • Incline Bench Press: 225*3 245*2 255*1 265*1
  • BB Rows: 185*3 205*3 225*3
  • DB Reverse Laterals: 10*10 r. shoulder
  • Suitcase Carries: 45*75 45*75
Right shoulder still hurts, I can't do the Overhead movements, unracking the weight felt awful.  Oddly incline benching was fine.  Also noticed an uptick in BB row strength, still focusing on form. 

April 23, 2014 Dodgeball!

  • Dodgeball: 85 minutes
So I slept funny on my shoulder last night...or something.  The shoulder hurts, near where it ties in near the bicep, and in fact down the top of my bicep it hurts too.  Not sure what it's from. It hurt all day.  Still played dodgeball, had fun, didn't really hurt that bad when I played. It's mainly when I lift my arm over my head

April 22, 2014 Lower / Heavy

  • Squats: 315*1 365*1 385*1
  • Front Squats: 225*2 245*2 265*2
  • Good Mornings: 265*1 265*1
  • Hip-Thrusts: 225*4 (more about learning form than weight)
  • Dead Bugs: 7, 7
40 minutes

Nice session, didn't push too deep on weights, felt good. 

April 21, 2014

April 20, 2014 Sprinting

  • 100m: 8
  • Total: 800m
wheeeeeeeee!  Alright, so with these new shoes, I couldn't believe how fast I felt on my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th sprints.  I'm still probably in the 220s and I may have only been maybe .2 slower than my PR on the 100.  It felt like I was running on air.  Just ridiculous!  Held up pretty well here, was really exhausted the last 2 sprints, but again, I'm heavy, and this was only my 2nd full session, and 3rd overall of the spring.  The next few weeks will hopefully go swimmingly. 

April 18, 2014 Lower / Heavy

  • Hanging Power Snatches: 135*3 145*2 155*2 135*5
  • Power Cleans: 135*4 185*2 205*1 225*1
  • Deadlifts: 405*1 435*1 455*1 475*1
  • WSARC: 60*8 80*4
Wanted to lead off with snatches, went well.  Though I have to say lately I lack a bit of pop on them. I tend to rush in, I hate warming up on them, I just want to throw 45s on and get to work. I think I need to go bar-95-115-135 or something like that from now on. Also may go to full cleans instead of power cleans, I'd like to see how heavy I can get them, could be fun and different. The 225 form was atrocious btw, need to work on that.  Deadlifting 3rd, didn't really lose anything off the pulls at all.  

April 17, 2014 Upper / Heavy

  • Seated Press: 135*3 155*3 175*2
  • T-Bar Rows: 135*3 155*3 155*3
  • Incline Bench Press: 225*2 245*1 255*1
  • Cable Reverse Laterals: 25*4 30*2
  • Landmine Laterals: 55*4 55*3
34 minutes

Quicker session, lower rest times.  Didn't go as high on weights on account of this.  Felt good though to get through things quicker. 

April 16, 2014 Dodgeball!

  • Dodgeball: 90 minutes
Good times!  I got new shoes, I got the New Balance 890V3 over at the factory store near where I live.  It is a GREAT shoe, super lightweight.  My previous NBs that I'm done with feel like anvils compared to these new ones. They're incredibly lightweight, but still super supportive. Can't wait to sprint in them!

April 15, 2014 Lower / Heavy

I ate too soon before this thing...

  • Squats: 315*2 350*1 380*1 405*1
  • Rack Squats: 315*1
  • Leg Press: 495*3 585*3 675*1
  • Dead Bugs: 7, 7
41 minutes

I ate too soon before starting this workout; it's always odd when you cut after a significant bulk.  At some point you realize your appetite is subsiding as your hormone levels balance back out on a healthier number of calories.  I used to need to be eating pretty much up until I left work to go to the gym (about a 15 minute drive) or I'd be hungry part way through my workout. Now I finish eating a half hour before leaving work and it's still too close to the workout.  Thought I was going to throw up on the 405 squat.  Did some leg pressing because I wanted to give my back a bit of rest, plus it's fun to throw weight on the thing and pump out some reps. 

April 14, 2014 Upper / Light

  • Bench Press (no arch): 225*8 245*5 255*4
  • Pullups: 8,6,6
  • Seated Press: 135*8 135*8 135*5
  • Barbell Rows: 185*6 185*6 185*6
  • Suitcase Carries: 45*70 steps 45*70 steps
42 minutes

Good session, light session for the week. I'm enjoying the core work, when this bulking dough is gone I should have a better core than last year. 

April 13, 2014 Conditioning

  • Rowing Sprints (15 seconds): 91m, 93m, 96m (these were at difficulty 5 on the Concept 2 because I forgot to check and make sure it was at 10), 98m, 93m, 98m, 95m, 98m, 98m, 95m
it's raining out so sprinting was not happening. Decided to do some sprinting on the Concept 2 rower instead. Worked out rather well and I was absolutely gassed afterward.  May incorporate these at other times as well...

April 11, 2014 Lower / Light

  • Deadlifts: 315*8 350*8 365*8
  • Hanging Power Snatches: 135*4 135*4 135*3
  • Hanging Power Cleans: 135*8 155*6-exhausted
  • Wide-Stance Anti Rotational Chop: 60*8 70*7
Good session; going light on deadlifts is always challenging, and the muscles in my mid and upper back were fried the next day. Love that feeling.  Went high rep on olympic lifting...which means sets between 4 and 8 reps really. 

April 10, 2014 Upper / Heavy

  • DB Seated Press: 70*4 80*4 90*2
  • BB Unilateral T-Bar Rows: 160*3 160*2 160*1.5
  • BB Incline: 230*1 245*1 260*1 270*X
  • BB Rows: 185*4 205*3 225*2
  • Landmine Laterals: 60*3
Good session, led off with DB Seated press as the BB stand was occupied, and I hadn't done DBs in a while..Rest of session went well, no complaints.  Missed 270 on BB Incline solidly, wasn't even close to it. Maybe if I had gone 240-255-270 I would have had a better chance. 

April 20, 2014

April 8, 2014 Lower / Heavy

  • Squats: 315*1 365*1 385*1 405*X
  • Rack Front Squats: 225*1
  • Front Squats: 250*1 275*1 300*1
  • Good Mornings: 225*2 250*2
  • Dead-Bugs: 6, 5
Sore from sprints, going for the 405 on squats was silly considering that.  Rest of session went well.  More dead bugs. Really enjoy them. 

April 7, 2014 Upper Heavy

  • Bench Press (No Arch): 225*3 245*3 265*2 285*1 295*1
  • BB Rows: 185*4 205*3 225*2
  • Push Press: 225*1 245*1
  • Cable Laterals: 30*7 40*3
  • Suitcase Carries: 50*40 steps 40*50 steps
45 minutes

Happy with the 295 done without an arch.  Going well, I'd like to get over 300 without the arch then see what happens. Rest of session was good. On suitcases, they were done with perfect form, no listing to one side even the slightest, really clamped down my core for them. 

April 6, 2014 Sprinting

  • 100m: 6
Felt good. I need new shoes though, my New Balances have been in use for 3 years now of working out, dodgeball, and sprinting.  Time to head back to the factory store by my house. 

April 4, 2014 Lower / Heavy

  • Deadlifts: 405*1 455*1 485*1
  • Hanging Power Snatches: 135*3 145*2 145*1
  • Power Cleans: 185*2 205*1
  • Pull Throughs: 120*5
  • PUPP: 1:00
41 minutes

Good session here, nothing of note. 

April 3, 2014 Upper / Heavy

  • Seated Press: 135*2 155*2 175*1 185*1 155*4
  • T-Bar Rows: 135*3 160*3 160*2
  • Incline Bench Press: 225*2 240*1 255*1 265*1
  • Cable Reverse Laterals: 20*6 15*7
  • Dead Bugs: 6, 5 (per side in both cases)
45 minutes

Good article here on core training, going to be incorporating dead bugs more often, felt great.  On these Thursdays I'm going to lead off with seated pressing of some sort most days.  Everything went well. I noticed my incline bench doesn't suffer much by moving it back to 3rd instead of 1st, in fact it doesn't appear I lost anything off of it. 

April 2, 2014 Dodgeball!

  • Dodgeball: 85 minutes
Good times! A lot of fun

April 1, 2014 Lower Heavy

  • Squats: 315*2 345*2 365*2 385*X - quads completely locked up
  • Rack Squats: 315*1
  • Front Squats: 225*2 250*2 275*1
  • Good Mornings: 185*2 205*2 225*2
  • Ab-Wheel: 10
43 minutes

I have no idea what happened on the 385 squat attempt.  It wasn't muscle failure...my quads just sort of locked up, I was 3/4 of the way up and I just couldn't get them to move any more. Weird. Rest of session went well.  Went a little light on good mornings, back was feeling fatigued. 

March 31, 2014 Upper / Heavy

  • Bench Press (Paused Reps, No Arch): 225*3 245*3 255*2 265*1 275*1
  • BB Rows: 185*3 225*3 245*2
  • Push Press: 225*1 250*1
  • Neutral Grip Pullups: 70*2 70*2
  • DB Incline: 90*4 100*4 
  • DB Reverse Laterals: 15*10
43 minutes

Rows focused on form again, going to keep doing that.  My left elbow is still hurting, I think I have mild tennis elbow in it, it hurts when I go from full extension to any bent position; so from the bottom of a pullup through the whole movement, or on push pressing from the lockout overhead down to the racking movement on my shoulders.  I think I irritated it initially from all the heavy push pressing I was doing.  May lay off pullups for a week or two see if that helps. Rest of session went well; I was actually very happy I got 275 on the bench paused rep, no arch.  Strength is holding up well so far as well. 

March 30, 2014 Sprinting

  • 60m: 4
OK it was absolutely freezing out and a shattering wind blowing across the track.  Was NOT prepared for that, didn't even have an undershirt on.  I'm still pretty fat right now from the bulk too, may wait a couple weeks til I'm down 3-4 more lbs. to save wear & tear on my knees. 

March 28, 2014 Upper / Light

  • Pullups: 8, 7, 7
  • Seated Press: 95*10 115*10 135*7
  • BB Unilateral T-Bar Rows: 135*6 135*6
  • DB Front Raises: 25*10 30*10
Good session, for this cut I'm going to be doing 1 light session per week, 3 heavy, 1 sprinting, and 1 dodgeball.  I'm inputting a ton of workouts right now (It's Easter Day) and when that's done I'm going to post the cut diet I'm going with.  This session went good, was kid of eyeballing weight since I haven't gone light in ages and had no idea what would put me in the 6-10 rep range. 

April 6, 2014

March 27, 2014 Lower & Upper / Heavy

  • Squats: 365*2 385*1 405*1
  • Front Squats: 225*2 245*2 265*2
  • BB Flat (low arch): 225*3 245*3 265*2 275*1
  • BB Rows: 135*7 185*6 205*6
  • Landmine Laterals: 70*2
  • DB Reverse Laterals: 10*10
Wanted to get in a lower & upper session to make up for missing stuff earlier this week.  Squats went well, as did front squats.  I'll be writing soon about the cut nutrition & routine I'll be doing, once I get all the details ironed out, probably by early April.  Trying some low arch on the bench press instead of the big one I usually use. Going to do it for a few weeks, then see if I notice gains when arching more again.  Rows continued to focus on form over weight.  My lats & upper back are clearly more sore since starting doing them this way. 

March 26, 2014 Dodgeball!

  • Dodgeball: 90 minutes
So on Sunday I got pretty bad food poisoning (or maybe the flu); fever got to 104.5 for almost 24 hours. Not good times.  That knocked me on my ass Sunday, Monday, and most of Tuesday.  Felt much better by Wednesday though, and did some dodging to get back in the swing of things. 

March 20, 2014 Lower / Heavy

  • Deadlift: 435*1 455*1 475*2 475*1
  • Hanging Power Snatches: 135*2 155*1 160*1
Quick session, wanted to do some deadlifting & snatches.   Good times!  

March 19, 2014 Dodgeball!

  • Dodgeball: 90 minutes

good times! Hand is completely healed. Can't wait til I'm back down about a dozen pounds, it'll be much easier on my knees