Starting to even see definition in lower/mid back. Going well. When I looked at the picture on the camera at first I blurted out an expletive or two. I can't believe my back looks like this right now. Seeing the progress I've been making just inspires me to ratchet down on my diet even more and train even harder to get to that next level.
I think that's what separates the people who have success and the people that truly achieve something greater than what they set out to do. It's not that the achievers aren't happy with their successes; we are, ecstatic even. It's that when we feel that happiness we don't think "I'm there!", we think "what's next?" For me, I can't believe I've gotten to the level I have, especially over the last few weeks. So I'm not sure what's next, cut back on the fat even more, lock in on my diet, and focus on the complete body & fitness level that I'm always trying to achieve. I've almost stopped thinking in numbers at this point. It's not about achieving a 550 lbs. deadlift, or benching 365, or squatting 500. Those are all nice and I hope to achieve them, but at this point it's about how fast the weights are moving, how light they feel, the amount of power I'm pushing them with, at what body weight, at what speed am I running, how fit do I feel, how flexible, how pain free, how relaxed and healthy when I'm outside the gym.
Everything's coming together training wise. If it was to all end tomorrow, I'd always remember this time, even more than last summer. But if it all ended tomorrow...I wouldn't let it end. I'd pick back up and start again. But hopefully it doesn't come crashing down any time soon. I'm truly blessed to have been able to achieve what I have, and I hope people that read this remember where I started, and how the research, tinkering, and work has paid off for me, just like it can for them.
Really inspiring man you're looking great, keep going hard!