August 19, 2011

August 19, 2011 Guy tries getting gay with me in sauna :( :( :(

So there's this guy, about 40ish, that goes to my gym that I've rarely if ever seen actually on the gym floor...but see all the time in the locker-room.  For the last several months it seems like any time I'm in a shower this guy comes in right afterward.  Last week I look behind me as I'm drying off and see him peering around the shower curtain...and also see the end of his cock as he's sticking it out of the shower stall.  I let it drop since he's not actively doing anything towards me. 

So today I'm working out and I notice this guy is actually on the gym floor as well, and seems to be hovering around where I am.   After my workout I decided to go in to the sauna for a while, and I'm laying there, and this dude comes in, but sits in the opposite corner from me.  After about 5 minutes dude gets up and sits on the same side as me.  Whatever.  I glance up a few minutes later and dude is staring directly at my nuts, and quickly looks away when I catch him.  Few minutes later same thing.

So a few minutes later I get a tap on my foot and we have this exchange:

Him:  "Do you want a massage?" 
Me: "Ummmmm.....I'm flattered dude but I'm straight. I'll pass"
Him: " Yeah I have a girlfriend. I'm bi, I like guys too."
Me: "cool story bro."

Dead silence for about 30 seconds and I figure I should leave at this point, honestly I wasn't mad at this point....but before I could get up:
Him: So you don't like guys?
Me: Seriously? 
Him: Have you ever been with a guy before? I don't usually like guys, but you're so you mind if I..ummm...jack off?"
Me: OK, time to go.
Him: You're so hot. Can I touch you while I do it *proceeds to start furiously masturbating*
Me: *leaves*

So I go and shower, of course he follows, and then I go to my locker and get dressed.  I figure I should try to find out a bit of info about him so I can management a better description of him.  I ask where he's from, he tells me Brazil, and said what he does for a living, I forget now though.  I made sure he left before me, then finished getting dressed and went and told management.  Apparently this happened at their location in south boston and they had to close the sauna, and they've caught people jacking it in this sauna before.  They asked me to point him out next time, but said it'd take multiple complaints before they revoked his membership.  Seriously? More complaints?

 Honestly I'm kind of disgusted and grossed out at this point. I'm not using that sauna again.  I feel pretty uncomfortable at the prospect of working out there again as well.  Not sure what to do. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. wow talk about a bad day at the gym....

  3. Think it'd take multiple complaints if he did the same thing in front of a female customer?

  4. I wrote a letter to management describing what happened, and also stating what would happen if this guy was allowed to keep going there. I also stated that I was sure they'd do the right thing and terminate his membership. I got a call back and they're terminating it as soon as I point him out, whether or not he cops to doing it.

  5. so was the guy cute?
