September 30, 2013

September 23, 2013 Lower Body / Heavy

  • Squats: 315*1 350*1 365*1 380*X
  • Front Squats: 245*1 260*1 275*1 285*1-nailed it
  • Good Mornings: 205*1 215*1 235*1
  • Overhead Squats: 75*6 95*5 115*5
45 minutes

I think I'm bumping up against my limit for strength at my current weight on this cut, finally.  What was holding me back the past couple years was lower back strength, and core strength. In my past sessions you'll see me refer to getting 'folded over' on squats, an indicator that the core/stabilizers were not up to par. The good mornings took care of that, as did rotating heavy/light workouts week to week. That ensured I was still getting the heavy work in, but that I was also not burning out, and putting in good reps at lighter weights. I think the 375-380 range is my posterior chains' max right now. I'm not getting folded, I just can't get out of the hole if I try to put more weight on the bar. Hopefully that changes this bulk.  Front squats are going great too, definitely helping matters. I'm only 20 lbs. away from my squat PR, and 15 away from front squat PR.   

I added in overhead squats here to help with balance issues, hit my core more, and hopefully have some carry over to snatches.  Tough exercise, almost fell on my rear when warming up with the bar. 

September 22, 2013 Conditioning

  • Jump Rope: 50, 50 (1:50)
  • Broad Jump: 8' 8", 9' 2" NEW PR!!, 8' 9", 8' 11", 8' 10", 8' 10", 8' 11.5", 8' 7", 8' 10", 8' 7"
  • 500m Row: 1:49
23 minutes
Good session, brief jump rope then shattered my PR for broad jumps, at the gym anyway.  Highest average I've had by far.   Four months ago every one of these would have been a PR.  So that's good.  Good session overall, finished with a row.  This coming competition at the gym will feature a 1000m row for time, going to build up to 100 over next couple weeks and then hopefully start shaving time. 

September 20, 2013 Lower / Posterior Chain Heavy

  • Deadlifts: 400*1 435*1 450*1 475*1
  • Hanging Power Cleans: 135*3 165*3 185*1 195*1
  • Hanging Power Snatch: 135*3 155*1 165*1 NEW PR!! 170*X
  • Sled Push & Pulls: 90*16 3:00
  • P.U.P.P.: 1:20
So first; I rotate heavy/light sessions on my upper body workouts week to week. I also do that with squats, but don't for my dead/o-lift days. Going to start doing that. It's really helped propel my squatting quite a bit. Went heavy on deads here, going to use deficit deadlifts the next few weeks on both heavy and light days, then retest.  Cleans went well but I was somewhat burn out from the deadlifting. On snatching, I think my grip had been a bit to narrow, the bar was hanging a tad below the hip crease which is where you want it to be when in the hang position. I'm not sure if that contributed to the PR here, but it couldn't have hurt. Been trying for 18 months to get past 160 and finally did it.  Finished with some sled work and some core stuff and called it a day. 

September 19, 2013 Upper Body / Light

  • Incline Bench Press: 200*10 205*7 195*8
  • Pullups: 70*4 70*3 70*3
  • Standing Press: 95*10 105*10 115*9
  • Cable Rows: 150*9 130*10 130*8
  • DB Flat - 100*6 gassed.
39 minutes

Good session, nothing particularly stands out.  I enjoy the cable rows on these higher rep days; I have trouble finding a row that I'm comfortable with at higher reps, but cable rows fit the bill quite well.  Other rows I feel like lower back stabilizer fatigue sets in at higher reps.  Plus I don't like doing T-Bars at higher reps because I have trouble breathing.   

September 24, 2013

September 18, 2013 Sprinting / Broad Jumps

  • 100m: 8
  • Total: 800m
  • Broad Jumps: 9' 4", 10' 1", 9' 4", 9' 8"
left hamstring is still bothering me, it's weird, it's fine when I walk, deadlift, or squat. But about 20m into any sprint it starts feeling like I'm getting stabbed in it, fairly high up in the hamstring, and feels like it's about to cramp or tear.   It's not super-intense, but bad enough to slow me down a bit.  Powered through here, then went to jumping, really threw myself into the 10' 1" and 9' 8" ones here, almost face planted on the 10. Good times though, best jumps I've had in about a month. 

September 17, 2013 Upper / Heavy

  • Bench Press: 265*1 280*1 290*1 300*1
  • T-Bar Rows: 160*3 170*2 180*1
  • Push Press: 230*1 240*X 240*1
  • Neutral Grip Pullups: 90*2 90*2 90*1
  • Landmine Laterals: 70*2 80*1
  • Dumbbell Incline: 110*3
42 minutes

on the push press press my forearms were quite sore.  Going to drop neutral grip pullups to 85 next time I go heavy on them.  Same with 80 on landmines, going to pull it back to 75.  Rep at 80 felt sloppy. 

September 16, 2013 Lower Body / Light

  • Squats: 315*4 335*3 340*2,1
  • Front Squats: 230*3 240*3 250*2
  • Good Mornings: 155*5 165*5 175*5
  • O.H. Squats: 45*10 55*10
  • Bird-Dogs: 10
Messed up 3rd rep on 340 squats, so I reracked and did one more.  Tried overhead squats, going to start low on weight til I'm used to balancing.  Solid session.  Turned 32 yesterday.   Don't feel like I'm slowing down at all, in fact I'm improving still in pretty much every area fitness wise.  I think the stretching/foam rolling helps with that. Plus not making common mistakes such as pressing way more than rowing helps keep my shoulder joints fresh.  I also make sure my hips/quads are thoroughly stretched as well so that the joints in my hips & knees don't end up going.  Still, I wonder how many more years do I have before I experience some sort of descent, or some sort of increased effort to maintain the level I'm at now.  Hopefully not for a long time. 

September 23, 2013

September 13, 2013 Upper Body / Heavy

  • Incline Bench Press: 235*2 250*1 260*1 270*1ish
  • Pullups: 95*2 95*2 95*1
  • Standing Press: 165*2 180*1 155*3
  • Unilateral BB T-Bar Rows: 175*2 180*1
  • Sled Push & Pull: 90*10, 1:40
43 minutes

good session, not sure if on the 270 the spotter helped me, they were pretty zealous..decided to toss some more weights on pullups, went great.  Standing press....I always wonder how much weight I could slap on if I lead off with it on this day for a couple months.  The thing is I just love incline benching so much, I feel like it's so much easier to maintain tension throughout the lift, as opposed to with flat bench.  The sled pushing & pulling went well, love gassing myself out at the end with those

September 12, 2013 Lower

  • Deadlifts: 405*1 435*1 455*1 475*1
  • Deficit Deadlifts: 405*1 425*nopenopenope
  • Hanging Power Cleans: 135*3 155*3 175*1,1 185*1
  • Hanging Power Snatches: 145*3 155*1
  • Pull-Throughs: 110*10 120*10
  • Ab-Wheel: 10, 10
44 minutes

Someone actually broke my deadlifting record (again, they use 5 rep max as the record), so I feel somewhat obligated to reclaim it as quickly as possible, I think 455*5 was what the guy got. There can only be one king.  I was going to keep focusing on squats but now I don't know...maybe do both?  Added in deficit deadlifts here, stood on 2 45 lbs. plates, so about 2".  Wasn't sure it would make a huge difference..yeah it does.  Going to work these in from now on.   Cleans & Snatches went well, I'm focusing on snatch form right now, it's going good. Pull-Throughs were nice again too. 

September 11, 2013 Sprinting / Broad Jumps

  • 50m: 2
  • 100m: 1
  • 200m: 2
  • 100m:2
  • Total: 800m
  • Broad Jumps: 9' 1.5", 9' 2.5", 9' 3.5", 9' 4.5"
My left hamstring was still a bit tight, couldn't hit top speeds again.  Kind of annoying.  Was taxed by the time I did broad jumps after fighting through the leg irritation.  Lacked explosiveness. 

September 18, 2013

September 10, 2013 Upper Body / Light

  • Bench Press: 230*10 235*8 215*7 - lactic acid
  • Cable Rows: 140*10 150*9 160*6
  • Push Press: 195*5 195*6!
  • Neutral Grip Pullups: 95*1 95*1
  • Lat Pulldowns: 120*15-these are still dumb
  • Landmine Laterals: 50*10 55*8
  • DB Incline: 110*1 - gassed
  • Paloffs: 100*10 110*9
45 minutes

Mixed in some heavy stuff on the db incline and NG Pullups.  Good session though, hit 10 on 230 wasn't sure I would, could've had 11 actually.  Did some cable rows after, I like them for high reps, may add them in on high rep days.  Tried lat pulldowns just for fun, they're pretty dumb. Just do pullups.  Rest of session went well.  Bumping up LM Lateral weight in two weeks to 55 & 55 

September 10, 2013

September 9, 2013 Lower Body / Heavy

  • Squats: 315*1 340*1 355*1 370*1 380*X-juuust missed 1/2 way up
  • Pin Squats: 315*1 PR? Yup. NEW PR!!
  • Front Squats: 225*1 250*1 275*1-yup 285*X-nope. Quads are done for the day
  • Good Mornings: 205*1 215*1 230*1 GREAT FORM here
  • 28kg KB Swings: 30
  • Side-Planks: 0:30
37 minutes

TORE through this workout. Really happy, just missed 380. Kind of pissed I didn't try harder, think I gave up to soon. Doing great taking big air before I drop, and getting to the bottom of the squat quicker and more explosively.   After I failed on the 380, I peeled the excess plates off and left the 3 wheels on each side, and inadvertently set a pin squat PR for myself.  Front squats I'm increasing the loads on as well. My record there is only 300, so I'm right in range.  Good mornings, I nailed the form, again taking a big breath beforehand helps with bracing my abs.  Did great.  Finished with some KB swings because I couldn't do kickbacks on account of being unable to find the ankle strap.  Ended session with side-planks.  As always stretched after, and foam rolled. 

September 08, 2013 Conditioning

  • Broad Jumps: 8' 2", 8' 3", 8' 4", 8' 5", 8' 6", 8' 5"
  • Air-Dyne 1/2 Tabata
  • Sled Push & Pull: 90*12 (2:20)
21 minutes

Crappy jumps.  Calves were sore for some reason, and I just wasn't feeling it.  Did a 1/2 tabata on the airdyne...that thing kills me.  Finished with some sled push & pulling. 

September 6, 2013 Upper Body Light

  • Incline Bench Press: 200*9 205*8 195*8
  • Pullups: 65*4 65*3 65*3
  • Standing Press: 85*10 956*10 115*7
  • Unilateral BB T-Bar Rows: 155*8 165*5
  • DB Bench Press: 100*7
  • P.U.P.P. 1:00, 0:35 -done
43 minutes

Nothing magical here really, good session. Was tired by the end. 

September 9, 2013

September 5, 2013 Olympic Lifts & Deadlifting

  • Hanging Power Cleans: 135*5 155*3 175*1, 1 185*1
  • Hanging Power Snatches: 135*3 145*2 155*1 135*4
  • Deficit (2 45 lbs plates) Deadlifts: 275*2 315*1 365*1 405*1-whoah crap that's intense
  • DL: 415*1
  • Pull-Throughs: 100*10 110*10
  • Ab-Wheel: 10
47 minutes

Hamstring still tight here, also last 3 sessions I've felt dead, I think I'm fighting something off. Not good times. The cleans went well though, nothing too extreme here since the hamstring is tight. Snatches went well too. Form is really coming around on them; without letting myself starfish out with my legs, I have to dip down a tad as you're supposed to, to hit the rep.  Next up, I did deficit deadlifts. I somehow have NEVER done them before. It helps with breaking from the floor on standard deads.  That's my sticking point, so it makes sense to try them, not sure why I took so long. Wooowhee are they hard, I can't believe standing on a couple of 45 lbs. plates can make that much of a difference. Was going to use one of those step-up platforms, but not sure if it would support the weight. Tried a regular deadlift after, not sure if it felt any different.  I don't know why I expected it to. Probably have to do deficit pulling for a couple sessions at least to notice a difference.  Finished with more pull-throughs, I'm really piling the weight on now, not sure if it's contributing to my recent surge in squatting, but it can't hurt, and then finished with some ab-wheel. 

September 4, 2013 Sprinting / Broad Jumps

  • 50m: 1
  • 100m: 2
  • 200m: 1
  • 50m: 1
  • 100m:1
  • Total: 600m
  • Broad Jump: 9' 1", 9 '2", 9' 1"
My left hamstring was super tight this whole time and just would not loosen up.  It wasn't cramped, but it felt like it was about to.  I couldn't hit top speed at all, and it actually got worse as the session went along, so I cut it a few hundred meters short, and tried broad jumping. Couldn't get off the line evenly so I kept ending up landing diagonally and screwing up my distances.  I'm sure it'll be fine within a day or two though. 

September 3, 2013 Upper Body / Heavy

  • Bench Press: 250*1 265*1 275*1 285*1 295*1
  • BB Rows: 250*2 270*3 285*3 300*1
  • Push Press: 225*1 exhausted
  • Neutral Grip Pullups: 90*2 90*2 90*2
  • Landmine Lateral Raises: 65*3 75*1
  • DB Incline: 110*3
42 mintues

Exhausted for some reason, just had no energy whatsoever. I think I went to sleep too late last night. Nothing much to talk about here, just ground it out and then went home. 110*3 on incline was nice though, I'm happy with that portion. 

September 2, 2013 Lower / Light

  • Squats: 300*4 315*4 335*3 335*3
  • Front Squats: 225*3 235*3 245*2
  • Good Mornings: 145*5 155*5 165*5
  • Wide-Stance Anti-Rotational Chops: 70*10
42 minutes

Good session, happy with the 335 triples I hit back to back.  A little over a month ago I was having trouble hitting it for 1 without folding. Taking big gulp of air before reps, and the focus on getting down into the hole faster, along with good mornings bring up my lower back has helped immensely.  

September 1, 2013 Conditioning

  • Jump Rope: 35, 15, 30 (2:30)
  • Broad Jump: 8' 3", 8' 8", 8' 6", 8' 5", 8' 7", 8'6"
  • Sled Push & Pull: 90*12 (2:20)
  • Rowing: 500m*1:42 NEW PR!!
29 minutes

Broad jumps went well, jumped to sled push & pull after that, then decided to try my hand at doing a 500 of rowing. Turned out well, new PR. Although the caveat there is that I do not do 500 rows very often, I do 100s & 1000s much more often.

August 30, 2013 Upper Body Heavy

  • Incline Bench: 225*3 235*2 245*1 255*1
  • Pullups: 90*2 90*2 90*2
  • Standing Press: 155*3 175*1 165*2
  • Unilateral BB T-Bar Row: 180*2 190*1
  • DB Flat Bench: 115*3
  • Sled Push & Pull: 90*12 -sled went sideways. 
Great session, really close to my PR on incline benching, and I'm cutting, so that's good. Pullups are going well too, close to the PR there.  Standing pres is somewhat static, but I'm not prioritizing it really. I've kicked around the idea of leading off with it, then putting incline bench 3rd here, but I love incline benching.  Rest of workout went great.  On the sled work the sled was sideways, so that hurt the numbers. 

August 29, 2013 Olympic Lifting, Posterior Chain

  • Hanging Power Cleans: 135*3 145*3 155*3 165*1,1 175*2, 1 185*1,1 135*8
  • Hanging Power Snatches: 135*3 145*1
  • Deadlifts: 365*1 405*1 435*1
  • Pull-Throughs: 90*10 100*10
  • P.U.P.P.
40 minutes

whoops, thought I had updated this last week (it's september 9th), apparently it's been longer.   Went hard this workout, going to go harder next time too I think.  Deadlifting felt great, really getting good on pull-throughs.   Loving cleans lately. Can't wait to bulk and throw some serious weight on.

September 3, 2013

August 28, 2013 Sprinting & Broad Jumps

  • 50m: 1
  • 100m: 13.97, 13.43 PR? PR!!
  • 50m: 11
  • 100m: 1
  • Total: 900m
  • Broad Jump: 9' 3", 9' 4", 10' 1.5" NEW PR!!  9' 3", 9' 4"
Well then...did a 50 for warmup, then decided to time myself. Didn't feel particularly fast on the 13.97, then the 13.43 felt pretty good. I thought my record was like 13.2 so I haven't been timing myself lately, because I didn't think I was that fast. Turns out my record was slower. I've probably been hitting it every week.  Did some 50s after; I want to focus on my acceleration.  Finished with broad jumping.  Was pretty tired, so I took a few minutes off after my 2nd attempt and then uncorked a new PR there too.  Was pretty much toast after that though. GREAT session

August 27, 2013 Upper Body Light

  • Bench Press: 230*8 225*10 225*6
  • Pendlay Rows: 135*10 155*10 165*8
  • Push Press: 185*6 185*5
  • 1.5 Pullups: 6, 4
  • Landmine Laterals: 50*9 50*8
  • DB Incline Bench: 100*5-gassed
  • Wide-stance Anti-Rotational Chops: 60*10
42 minutes

Last time I did 230*9 on bench and 225*7, I mean when you get higher on reps there's more variation. I was actually pretty low on energy today, not sure why.  I did well on push pressing though, I need to up the weight next week. Everything else went fine. Starting to fall into a pattern with exercise selection; pendlay rows on the light upper body days, etc.  Not a bad session at all. 

August 26, 2013 Lower Body Heavy

  • Squats: 315*2 340*1 355*1 365*1 375*1
  • Front Squats: 225*2 250*1 265*1 275*NOPE
  • Good Mornings: 200*1 210*1 220*1
  • Cable Kickbacks: 120*4
  • Ab-Wheel: 10
40 minutes

Getting better with breathing on squats, and rep pace. I was descending way too slow before. I'm really happy with the weight I've been putting on here lately.  I've been very good with bracing my abs, making sure my lower back was engaged, and also sticking with the good mornings to strengthen my lower back.  Good times.  Front squats went well, would have had 275 if I wasn't fatigued. Not bad, as 300 is my PR there.