June 2, 2011

June 2, 2011

weight: 212
  • BB Incline Bench/Rope Pullups Superset: 215*10/BW*3 220*6/BW*4 210*8/BW*3
  • Push Press: 185*5 185*3 205*1 NEW PR!!
  • DB Unilateral Flat Bench: 60*10 70*10 80*9
  • PUPP: 1 minute
notes: Brought back the superset! Felt good. I'm starting to enjoy rope pullups even more. Good grip training and I feel like they're a great exercise especially for my pecs for some reason. I read the Dan John article on T-Nation today and it influenced this workout quite a bit. I've decided to give push pressing another try, but this time really squatting down 1/4 of the way for them. Previously I would just do a superficial dip and try to pop it up. Felt pretty good today doing them with an actual mini squat before exploding up. The unilateral flat benching was also from the Dan John article, though I had done them previously a couple years ago. I forgot how much I loved this movement. Of course the last time I did them it was before I really zeroed in my training and diet, so I was doing weights like 45 lbs. for 5 reps. Also from the John article was Push-Up Position Planks. Here's a quote from the article: As always, I start with patterning. In the world of pushes, I think the plank is the base. Oh, and I also know this: nobody I know thinks they need planks. But I have a little test that I stole from Stuart McGill, the great back expert from Canada: If you can't hold a plank for two minutes either you're obese or your abdominal training is wrong." Looks like I need to practice these!

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