January 2, 2013

December 31, 2012 Upper

  • Bench Press: 205*10 215*10 225*10 235*8
  • BB Rows: 205*10 225*10 225*10 235*10
  • Push Press: 205*2 225*1 235*1-very easy 240*1 245*X
  • Neutral-Grip Pullups: 10, 4-tried giant setting. Didn't work.
  • DB Incline: 95*7-gassed
45 minutes

I was cautious after how taxing the 10 rep workouts were at the end of last week. Maybe I'm adapting, or maybe the extra protein & creatine are taking over, but this was much easier.  The 205, 215, and 225 on bench were not that hard.  235 I was starting to get fatigued, but again, compared to last week's 2 workouts this was much easier.  Rows went well.  Then push press....I was peaking by the time I got to them. 225 felt like 205.  Then 235 I have no idea what happened.  I was really hyped up for some reason, I didn't even dip down I just shot the weight right off the top of my chest without really bending me knees.  I launched the weight up so hard it actually started to come out of my hands at the top, like unwrapping my fingers from around the bar.  It came back down, I wrapped my fingers back around and locked out.  I was way off balance and ended up having to drop the weight after completing.  Threw 240 on, got that.  By then I was getting tired, tried 245, no go.   Neutral grip pullups went well, should've rested more instead of trying to do the sets back to back like that.  Finished with the incline work, again I was done by that point, with the extra sets of push pressing. 

While looking back through some workouts from this summer I came across this from July 30:
So I can't workout tomorrow so wanted to get some lower body work in too. Benching was ok, my lower back just feels bruised at this point, not sure what the issue is. When I sit down and then turn to one side I get this pain in my lower left back. Then if I go back to center and turn again, it doesn't hurt. It's not on my spine so I'm not incredibly worried. It's more annoying at this point. On the trap-bar deadlifts I felt it the second I tilted forward a little and my back took over some of the movement.

I would severely pull my piriformis about one week later.  I never made the connection until now. Sounds like it was already pulled/strained, and then I just messed it up much more a week later. 

On that note, it feels much better now, still not 100%, I feel it tug when I do bridging movements, though if I wanted I could probably build them back up with a few weeks of focus. I'm not too concerned about those movements right now though since I don't do them often (glute bridges, hip thrusts, etc.).   Also static tension on my core will cause it to throb dully, like when I do paloffs.  Other than that it's fine 98% of the time.  Hopefully in another couple months it'll be a complete memory.  

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