- Squats: 290*5 300*4 310*2
- Hang Snatches: 95*3 115*3 135*3 145*3 155*2
- Front Squats: 185*5 205*5 225*5
I don't get squatting. I just don't. I've heard people say to 'sit down between your hips' or something like that for squatting. I feel like I am, but it makes no difference. I get to parallel and it's like my hips, hamstrings, glutes, and quads just go limp for lack of a better word. It's like they're "empty" or something, like that part of my body is just completely missing, as though there's nothing there to flex. I actually can do almost the same weight going Olympic ATG on squats. I get that momentum of starting from the floor, so that when I get close to parallel and all the power evaporates, I've still got enough speed to carry me through to the top of the rep. The weird thing is, If you told me, "Matt go find your 1RM, I could do singles til the cows come home. I can get out of the hole with a heavy weight once, but anything more than that is asking too much. I also accept that my numbers may be effected by the fact that for the last month I've broken my 3 rep record on deadlifting. But still this problem predates that by a good ways. Other stuff went well here, hang snatches got 2 at 155! I did more lighter sets first today to get there. Good stuff!
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