- Deadlift (double overhand): 315*1 335*1
- Deadlift: 405*1 435*1 455*1 405*1
- Hanging Power Snatches:95*3 115*3 135*3 145*2
- Overhead snatch-grip holds: 145*20(seconds) 145*30
- Hanging Power Cleans: 145*3
- Press Walks: 90*100 90*100
Good times, I feel like my grip strength is improving from the farmers walks, I couldn't have gotten 335 overhand before on deadlifting. My grip has been a weak point, now I really focus on trying to squeeze the bar to death as I pull. On the snatches, at 145 I held it overhead for a while after each rep, I really like that feeling. Finished with cleans, and then did some press walks; pressing a short-bar overhead and then walking. I count that as a weighted carry of sorts
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