July 7, 2013


Thinking of switching up my routine a bit, maybe rotating in some 'light' higher rep days, maybe on each exercise every other week, and then exercises too.  So something like this, with regards to what I lead off Mondays with:

Week 1: BB Bench, heavy
Week 2: DB Bench, light
Week 3: BB Bench: light
Week 4: DB Bench: heavy

I'm not sure if I'll actually do that, I don't want to be only benching heavy once per month.  Or doing pullups heavy once per month or whatever.  So I was thinking something like this:

Week 1: BB Bench, heavy
Week 2: BB Bench, heavy
Week 3: BB Bench: light
Week 4: DB Bench: heavy

I dunno, I'll figure it out.  I don't want it to be a thing where I just do a light workout once, and then don't do it again for 5 months. I'd like to work something out where maybe I stay heavy on Monday & Tuesday, then Thursday & Friday would be higher rep and lighter every other week, and medium loads normally?  And then maybe every 3 weeks flip it? 

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