- Incline Bench Press: 185*10 205*3-weak link found 295*7
- Pullups: 40*8 40*7 40*7
- Standing Press: 135*8 135*6 135*6
- Unilateral T-Bar Rows: 155*6 165*5
- TRX Reverse flyes: 2 - faceplant
- TRX Feet Elevated Pushups: 8, 10
- Face-Pulls: 25*10 35*12
43 minutes
So I decided to incorporate higher rep stuff into my routine. Every other week I'm going to go light on an upper body day; this week was Thursday, this coming week Monday will be my light day. On lower body days I'll go medium weights instead of light. I think I found what's been missing in my training. After that 185*10 on incline bench I was so gassed I could barely get 3 at 205 a few minutes later. It's like I have 0 lactic acid tolerance. It was the same for every lift here really, I wasn't getting nearly enough reps on anything really. So that's good to know...Tried some trx stuff...the reverse flyes are ridiculously hard, I face planted after two of them. Even the pushups, I felt as much in my rhomboids as my chest.
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