- 31" Plyo Box Jumps: 15
- PUPP-Plate Transfer Plank Superset: 1:00-10*4 1:00 10*4
- Side-Plank: 1:00
- Paloff Iso-Hold: 70*0:20 80*0:20
- Decline Situps: 20
25 minutes
Was pretty sore from the leg workout Friday, which is odd because I didn't do a ton of volume. Did some jumping then decided I wanted to beat on my core for a while. Never did supersets for core before, did some push up position plank presses into plate transfer planks which was just downright evil. Hit some side-planks next, then went with an iso hold on paloffs. Finished off with some decline situps just for fun since I haven't done a situp in about 5 years.
I weighted in at 203.5 after this one on a pretty much empty stomach. I look really lean already, almost as lean as I did here, only I was 195 in those. Obviously some is from the pump from working my abs today, but still....I've never seen my serratus as easily as I did today above 200 lbs. This cut may work out REALLY well, and I'm super excited. Was thinking about running some albuterol at the end of this cut to polish it off, but if I keep going at this rate it may not be needed!
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