October 1, 2012

September 28, 2012 Lower Body

  • Squats: 275*3 300*2 315*1 250*3
  • Hanging Power Snatches: 95*3 115*3 135*3 140*3 125*7
  • P.U.P.P.: 1:30, 1:30

Really getting frustrated with squatting.  I can barely make depth, and it's like I get no 'push' when at parallel.  I don't get it.  Plus I get folded over by anything about 225, which is odd because my back must be strong if I can pull 500+.  No idea what's going on.  I think I forget to keep my hamstrings/posterior chain tight when going down to parallel, and then try and engage it at the bottom, which doesn't work.  Back to the drawing board.  

In good news, a trainer noticed that on my snatches I was basically throwing the weight up in front of me, so that my arms were fully extended out in front of me like some sort of front raise, which just happened to go up over my head.  I tried a few sample reps and he was right.  So I did the rest of the sets focusing on keeping the weight tight up near my body and snapping it over my head.  MUCH easier, and feels like it must've been the missing link in my snatch.  Probably cleans too.  Cannot wait  to try this next week as well.   Push up planks went well, got 3:00 total. 

Also, been absolutely ravenous lately, not really getting chubby/soft/etc. either, so my body's using it for fuel apparently. 

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