- Bench Press: 230*5 255*5 270*5 290*3
- BB Rows: 225*5 245*5 260*5 270*4
- Push Press: 190*3 210*3 220*2
- Neutral Grip Pullups: 65*4 65*3 65*3
- DB Incline: 85*8 90*4
46 minutes
Gradually building strength here as I gain weight. I always find it interesting how it's one rep here, 5 lbs. there. It's never an explosion where one week you suddenly bench or row 20 lbs. more than you could the week before. I think that in and of itself is why so many people stop short of their goals or give up so quickly. When you first start working out, you're sore, you're tired, you're probably not eating properly yet, or sleeping enough. Then to top it off, even with your faster noob-gains, you're still not exploding by any means. There should be an informational packet given to you when you first start. Session went well, I want 275 on push press this time, going to really push for it...hurrrr. Added a rep on the pullups. Next week I'll go 90-95 on incline, and probably stay there for the week after as well. Kind of surprised at how strong my rows have been, I've been mixing them up week to week, but I always use regular overhand BB rows as my benchmark. I'm starting out pretty close to where my PR was just two years ago. Perhaps all the unilateral work helped, doing the unilateral t-bar rows, and adding in db rows as well.
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