- BB DL: 410*3 440*3 475*3
- Hanging Power Cleans: 200*2 210*1 185*3 185*3
- Glute Bridges: 315*3 365*4 405*4
- Ab-Wheel: 12, 12
- Bird-Dogs: 10
I don't do 'easing back into things' after taking my weeks off. Deadlifting was hard, but I managed. Now that I'm done with the bulk I can focus on form, as I said in my previous post. I dropped the weight back on the cleans and focused on not landing wide on those last two sets. It's amazing how much easier they are with good form. I almost clipped my chin on that first rep of 185 I did. I'm going to build back up on the weight using better form on the jump & landing. Added in glute bridges as well, trying to focus on the contraction with them, and hip drive. Did some abs after, can't forget about the wide-stance anti-rotational chops, I need to do them some point this week. Won't be going to the gym tomorrow, I have a friend in Boston Visiting. Wednesday will be my heavy/upper day.