As predicted, my core was obliterated, really made the broad jumps tough.....
- 50*8
- Broad Jump: 9' 2", 10' 2", 10' 3", 10' 2", 10' 3"
Throwing around cylinders of metal in order to increase my overall mass.
As predicted, my core was obliterated, really made the broad jumps tough.....
Good session, 260 on incline benching, which I have not gotten since end of 2021, when I was bulking...super happy with that. Deadlift went well too, really ripped those pulls...I actually may leave incline benching first even when sprinting season tails off some....seems like I'm more warmed up, maybe antagonist muscle grouping or something is the cause? Did rollouts at the end which crushed my core...I'm betting it's going to be several days before it's not sore anymore...
I hit Parker River for the first time post-baby, then did a lower-body session when I got home. Surprised I had energy after all the hiking.
Odd workout, really really really flat, no pop at all. I slept fine overnight, worked out regular time, felt energetic...and then did terrible. Didn't even try 285 on benching. Barely got 275. Tried the cluster at 250 on benching and was struggling too much. Did an abbreviated session after that since clearly this was going to be a dud. I'd rather not tear something.
Another good session, had a headwind and still hit 10' 9" on broad jumping. Also took the drone with me and got some fun footage which I'll post after I'm done editing it down to a reasonable length...
Building back up here with the treadmill...going to get to 2 miles at 6.5 mph, which is still faster than 7 mph on the old one, and then get to 7 mph on the new one...
Starting off with incline here, as I previously mentioned, due to the high sprint volumes in the summer. Oddly I felt more ready to deadlift after and had a much easier time doing it....Not sure what to make of that. Lower volume on power snatches, again, due to the sprinting tiring out my entire posterior chain and hip-hinge abilities. I may go for 260 on inclining next week.
Did some broad jumps after the 110s...legs were shot though...going to stick to doing them on Tuesdays. old treadmill was definitely not going as fast as it said when you punched in a speed. I did incline walking this morning and noted that the 3 MPH felt closer to like 4.5 on the old one. Thennnn the 7 mph in the afternoon felt like 9 or 10 on the old one. That explains the minimal cardio impact or benefit I have felt the past couple years...that motor was probably dying so I wasn't getting the benefit I should have. I'll have to build back up to 2 miles at 7 mph on this new mill.
New treadmill is here, the old one, after about 13 years, finally was beyond repair. It would occasionally not turn the belt, like the motor wouldn't even go. Despite the speed indicator being at whatever you said it should be at. It rattled like crazy and felt like it was coming apart as well...I went with proform again since this one just lasted 13 years...Assembly took a while, they sent the wrong size screws for part of it. ...Ended up doing this workout later in the day than I would have preferred.
Treadmill Assembly: 2 hours
Lowered weight on guillotines here, felt good....good session all around.
I took yesterday (the 4th) off to give my legs some rest....paid off here apparently...two more jumps in my top 10 all time. Starting to wonder if I may beat my 11' PR this summer..
Not too bad, taking it easier on the power snatches; sprints tax my hips too much to go all in here during the summer.
Got to this one later in the day, was somewhat rushed.
Good session, adding to the cluster set....may need to drop weight on guillotine press after as I'm pretty fatigued by then.
Wow....ok, wasn't expecting that on broad jumping...really focused on forward movement as opposed to gaining air height...Those two long jumps are in my top 10 all-time.
Pretty tired from sprinting, may move incline bench to first in the rotation here, since I'm not going to be setting any deadlift or hanging power snatch records during sprinting season...