- Treadmill: 25:43 / 3 miles
Throwing around cylinders of metal in order to increase my overall mass.
August 30, 2021
August 15, 2021 Full Body
Good session again, led off with hanging power snatches to switch things up. Never seems to result in higher weights on them though....
- HPS: 115*3 130*3 140*3 150*1
- BB DL: 315*1 365*1 405*1 435*1
- BB Incline: 210*3 225*3 235*1 245*1
- Chinups: 10, 10, 10
- Snatch-Grip OH Carries: 125*5
- Rollouts: 10, 10
August 14, 2021 Sprinting
Well it's hot out..mid 80s....it's also suffocatingly humid. Still waiting on a hot & dry day....aaaaany day now would be great. Starting to take times on the 100s. Didn't do great here, but I usually improve pretty quickly over the 2-3 weeks I put max effort in.
- 110*2
- 100*3
August 12, 2021 Upper Body
Barely missed on 270, giving myself 1/2 credit for that one...
- BB Flat: 225*3 240*3 250*1 260*1 270*1/2
- Snatch-Grip Pullups: 10, 9, 8
- Guillotine Press: 160*10, 9
- Head-Supported Rows: 160*3 170*3 180*2
- Plate Laterals: 10*10, 10
- Knee Raises: 10, 10
- Dead Bugs: 10, 10
August 11, 2021 Lower Body
Jammed this into 30 minutes....no clue how. Rear-foot elevated split squats crushed my quads....not sure I want to be doing these during sprinting season (As I mentioned last week...). Put up 275 on front squats, surprised I had that much juice in my legs after sprinting yesterday...
- Front Squats: 185*2 215*2 235*1 255*1 275*1
- Squats: 315*1 335*1 360*1
- Split Jerk: 170*1, 1
- Snatch-Grip RDL: 285*5 315*5 335*5
- RFESS: 10
- Plate-Suitcase Carries: 45*10
August 29, 2021
August 8, 2021 Full Body
I can't believe I did this one in 42 minutes. My deadlift has been lagging all summer really, I commented on that before, I think without the back squatting for a month there in favor of front-squatting only it slipped. I'm not worried, I'm focusing on track speed at this point so I don't anticipate numbers picking back up until late September or so when sprinting for max speed is probably over for the year (I may do indoor sprinting at the Y this year...maybe).
- BB DL: 315*1 365*1 405*1 435*1
- HPS: 115*3 130*3 140*3 150*1
- BB Incline: 210*3 225*3 235*1 245*1
- Snatch-Grip Pullups: 10, 8, 7
- Snatch-Grip OH Carries: 120*5
- Rollotus: 10, 10
August 7, 2021 Sprinting
Wow, decent weather....that's a shock. Warm, not too humid...usually summer in New England is divided up between Hot & Humid and Hot & Dry days, with a healthy portion of Hot & Disgustingly Humid days. The ones I run best in are the hot & dry...which we have had maybe 3 of this year?
- 110*2
- 100*3
August 5, 2021 Upper Body
Good session, 39 minutes...nothing out of the ordinary really...
- Bench Press: 225*3 240*3 250*1 260*1 265*1
- Pullups: 10, 10, 10
- Guillotine Press: 160*10, 8
- BB Rows: 225*5 250*3, 3
- Band Laterals: 10, 10
- Dead Bugs: 10, 10
- Hanging Knee Raises: 10
August 4, 2021 Lower Body
Not bad, got the whole session done in 37 minutes...Feeling strong, no residual soreness from yesterday on the sprinting at max effort. Tried rear-foot elevated split squats...they seem like a good idea, just not sure about right now with sprinting max effort for the next 5 or so weeks.
- Front Squats: 185*2 215*2 235*1 255*1 270*1
- Squats: 315*1 335*1 355*1
- Split Jerk: 170*1, 1
- Snatch-Grip RDL: 285*5 315*5 335*5
- RESS: 5
- Plate Suitcase Carries: 45*10
August 3, 2021 Sprinting
So I still feel behind because of the crappy weather for almost a month, but I have to get some times in for the 100 to see where I am. I have a feeling it's going to take a few weeks here to gear back up. Maybe in the future I should just always run max effort 100s instead of the 110s. That's when I was at my fastest, I think. I feel heavy footed still here, and the weather wasn't great, it barely hit 70 today, and was pretty humid.
- 50*2
- 100*4
August 24, 2021
August 1, 2021 Full Body
Good session, almost got 150 on snatches for a 2nd rep...
- BB DL: 315*1 365*1 405*1 435*1 455*1
- HPS: 115*3 130*3 140*3 150*1.5
- BB Incline: 210*3 220*3 230*1 240*1
- Snatch-Grip Pullups: 10, 7, 7
- Snatch-Grip OH Carries: 120*5
- Rollouts: 5, 5
August 15, 2021
July 31, 2021 AM: Birdwatching PM: Track
The weather was sunny, not particularly warm though....did 5 hours of birdwatching in the morning so my legs werent exactly fresh here...
- Birdwatching: 5 hours
- 110*5
July 30, 2021 Treadmill
Wasn't feeling this one...dead legged...did a half session...
- Treadmill: 12:52 / 1.5 miles
July 29, 2021 Upper Body
Narrowly missed 270 on benching here...not bad considering I'm not bulking and my benching weights have been lower since I built this home gym. I think the bench I use is narrower or something...
- BB Flat: 225*3 240*3 250*1 260*1 270*1/2 225*5
- Chinups: 10, 10, 10
- Guillotine Press: 160*10, 7
- BB Rows: 225*5 250*3, 3
- Band Laterals: 10, 10
- Dead Bugs: 10, 10
July 28, 2021 Lower Body
Good session, got 270 on front squats again, back squatting feels natural again...nothing really new here todya.
- Front Squats: 185*2 215*2 235*2 255*1 270*1
- Squats: 315*1 335*1 355*1
- Split Jerk: 170*1, 1
- Snatch-Grip RDL: 285*5 315*5 335*5
- Plate Suitcase Carries: 45*10
July 25, 2021 Full Body
Good session here, back to 150 on snatching...
- BB DL: 315*1 365*1 405*1 435*1 455*1
- HPS: 115*3 130*3 140*3 150*1
- BB INcline: 210*3 220*3 230*1 240*1
- Snatch-Grip Pullups: 9, 7, 7
- Snatch-Grip OH Carries: 130*5
- Rollouts: 10
- Hanging Knee Raises: 10, 10
August 12, 2021
July 24, 2021 Sprinting
- 110*8
July 22, 2021 AM: Birdwatching PM: Upper Body
Felt a bit flat on the bench pressing, but otherwise the session went fine.
- Birdwatching: 1 hour
- BB FLat: 225*3 240*3 250*1 260*1, 1/2
- Pullups: 10, 10, 10
- Guillotine Press: 155*10, 10
- Head-Supported Rows: 155*5 165*4 175*3
- Band Laterals: 10, 10
- Dead Bugs: 10, 10
- Hanging Knee Side-Raises: 10 (per side)
July 21, 2021 Lower Body
Felt good here, front squats picking up some...
- Front Squats: 185*2 215*2 235*1 255*1 270*1
- Squats: 315*1 335*1 355*1
- Split Jerk: 170*1, 1
- Snatch-Grip RDL (really wide): 285*5 315*5 335*5
- Plate SUitcase Carries: 45*10