Great last session here, went hard to make sure the tank was empty. Hamstring still hurts, hopefully, a week in hot-springs up in Iceland helps out. I'll be doing some light hiking, but nothing I anticipate that would stress my legs so much. I'm really looking forward to the week off.
I started using glycine a couple months ago, it's the part of collagen supplements that helps your joints, so I just take that directly. My joints, not that they were in pain before, felt better. I didn't have as much 'spring' in them as several years ago. Which makes sense considering I'm in my late 30s. The glycine really helped with that though, not like a placebo effect, I had a realization one day "hey my joints have felt great the past couple weeks" and it lined up with when I started taking the glycine. Then paired with the Newton North track, my legs feel great. I've been going hard for so long though without a break, my CNS could definitely use it. I'm looking forward to a relaxing week.
TONS of energy for this one, going light last week helped a lot here. Really ripped stuff off the floor. PLUS on hanging power snatches I made a realization that I've been gripping the bar too narrow, I moved my pointer fingers outside of the bands on the bar and the movement felt much more natural. Going to do a ton of reps like that when I get back from vacation.
ALSO I know I've posted a bit over the last year about having really sore achille's tendons, etc. and that was part of the reason I started doing tibia exercises. I figured it was from my calves being too strong. I think they're actually just too tight because over the past year I've been working them directly for the two full-body sessions, and then sprinting 2+ times per week as well. Larger muscle groups like quads or hamstrings can probably handle that, but my calves have been chronically tight, which is probably stressing my achilles out. I did notice that this past winter (when sprinting volume goes down, I just realized) that my achilles were feeling better. I think during the spring/summer I'm not going to do direct calf work and see how that goes.
- BB DL: 315*1 365*1 405*1 445*1 465*1 485*1
- HPS: 115*3, 3 135*3
- BB Incline: 205*3 225*3 245*1 255*1 265*1
- LM Rows: 250*5 270*5, 5, 5
- Mixed-Grip Carries: 65*100
- DB Standing Press: 55*10
- NS Paloffs: 60*10, 10
- DB Incline Curls: 30*10
2nd to last session before vacation, got some good runs in...
Last sprint day before vacation....I went hard on the sprinting yesterday so my legs are pretty much toast at this point. Going to ease into vacation, at least with this stuff and come back to my next sprint session in a couple weeks hopefully refreshed.
- Olympic Squats: 315*1, 1, 1, 1
- Front Squats: 225*1
- Tibia: 20*15, 15
- Front Squats: 245*1
- BB Snatch-Grip RDL: 285*5 315*5 335*5
- BB Flat: 225*5 250*3, 3, 3
- Standing Calves: 240*12, 12, 12
- 1.5 Sternum Pullups: 3, 2, 2
- FS WSARC: 35*10, 10
Good session, hamstring thing still lingering, even with the stretching. I'm actually looking forward to this week off, I haven't taken a full week off from all exercising in yeeeears, maybe 5+. I've had weeks where I don't sprint, or weeks where I don't go to the gym, but never both. Even those versions where I just do one thing or the other are like once every 18 months over the past 6 years or so.
A bit of a deload here, I have the vacation coming up in 2 weeks, this is the 2nd to last Deadlift / Hanging Power Snatch session so I want to not be tapped for the last one before I go.
- BB DL: 315*1 365*1 405*1 435*1 455*1
- HPS: 105*3 125*3 145*2
- BB Incline: 185*5 205*5, 5, 5, 5
- Chest-Supported Rows: 90*5 135*5, 5, 4
- Seated Calves: 100*12, 17
- DB Suitcase Carries: 80*100
- Reverse Cable Laterals: 15*10
- Hammer Curls: 50*6
- Dead Bugs: 10, 10
Led off with some benching here, hadn't done a cluster there in a while, so I threw that in. Really liking the effect of the snatch-grip RDLs, I've managed to keep my back mass while cutting here, and I think it's because of them.
- BB Flat: 225*3 250*3,3, 2, 1, 1, 1 -cluster
- Squats: 315*1 340*1 365*1 385*1
- Front Squats: 225*1 250*1 275*1
- Snatch-Grip RDL: 285*5 315*5 345*5
- Pullups: 25*5, 4, 4
- Pull-Throughs: 150*10, 10
- Standing Calves: 240*12, 12
- Tibia: 20*15, 15
- Waiter Walks: 75*100
- FS NS Paloffs: 35*10, 10
- Seated Press: 135*8, 6
Of course I still went after the beach.
Did a bonus day of sprinting here, going to the beach tomorrow, not sure if I'll sprint when I get home.
Mixed in some power cleans here with the deadlifting....still prefer snatches. They just feel more natural to me.
- Deadlift: 315*1 365*1 405*1 425*1 445*1
- HPC: 135*3 165*3 185*1, 1
- BB Incline: 205*3 225*3 240*1 250*1 260*1
- BB Rows: 245*5 265*5, 5, 5
- Standing Calves: 240*12, 12
- DB Suitcase Carries: 80*100
- FS WSARC: 35*10, 10
Good session, actually got 7 sprints in which is a ton of volume for a Tuesday.
Good session here, really gassed by the time I got to the benching though.
- Squats: 315*1 345*1 365*1 385*1
- Front Squats: 225*1 255*1 275*1
- Snatch-Grip RDL: 285*5 315*5 345*5
- BB Flat: 225*5 250*4 275*1 225*7 - gassed
- Pull-Throughs: 150*10, 10
- Standing Calves: 240*12, 12
- Tibia: 20*15, 15
- 1.5 Sternum Pullups: 4,2,2 yup, toast.
- DB Farmers: 120*80
- Dead Bugs: 10, 10
- Seated Press: 135*8, 8
Back at Newton North, stretched the hamstring a ton beforehand and that seemed to help...Finished with some broad jumps as well, fairly satisfied with the results.
- 110*8
- Broad Jump: 9' 4" 9' 4" 9' 6"
Hamstring was sore again, so I did a bit of a deload here...HPS went really well though.
- BB DL: 315*1 365*1 405*1,1,1
- HPS: 95*3 115*3 135*3
- BB Incline: 205*3 225*3,3,3,3
- LM Rows: 25*5 260*5 270*5, 5
- Seated Calves: 100*15, 15
- DB OH Press Walk: 75*100
- NS Paloffs: 50*10, 10 this felt very light.
- DB Standing Press: 60*8
- Hammer Curls: 45*7
Left hamstring is still bothering me, it's like a pin-point spot of pain, not sure if it's a tiny tear or just a strain...I have a trip to Iceland coming up in a few weeks, I'll be resting that week, hopefully that takes care of things. Again, it's not really stopping me, I'm just conscious of it.
Memorial Day, took off Sunday and did some bird watching, then went to the gym today. Hit 405 on squatting, felt good. The waiter idea why I failed. Really weird, both sides too, wasn't just one. Also, hamstring is, but it's clearly not hampering me. It hurts more the first couple sprints of a sprint session, and then after that I'm just of 'aware' of it when doing a 110 or whatever, if that makes sense. Like it isn't excruciating, it's just sort of sore or achy.
- Squats: 315*1 340*1 365*1 385*1 405*1
- Front Squats: 225*1 250*1 275*1
- Snatch-Grip RDL: 285*5 315*5 335*5
- BB Flat: 225*5 245*5 265*1 275*1 290*1 225*7
- Pull-Throughs: 150*10, 10
- Sternum Pullups: 6, 6, 4
- Standing Calves: 240*12, 12
- Tibia: 20*15, 15
- Waiter Walk: 75*75
- FS WSARC: 35*10, 10
- Preacher Curls: 90*10
- DB Laterals: 20*10
So I've always used Harvard's track as my main place to go. It's convenient, and ostensibly better maintained than some other nearby ones. I had never tried Newton North high school before, but with some hippy drum-circle music festival going on at Harvard's track & field I had to find somewhere else to go. I didn't feel like trying the other alternatives I've used in the past, so I decided to give the Newton one a try. Oh my goodness. It's so much nicer. Harvard, and really the other ones I go to are just tar that's been painted that maroon track color using that rubbery paint. The Newton one is a legit track surface, like Tartan or Mondo or something. It actually feels like it has some spring to it. The best part: afterward I have ZERO joint soreness or fatigue. I could come and do this every day here if I wanted. I'm absolutely coming here at least once per week from now on.
As for the running, my left hamstring still has that twinge in it. I'm going to Iceland in less than 4 weeks, so I won't be working out or sprinting at all, just walking around there. I'm hoping that week off let's it get back to normal.
Good session, HPS went well, may move up weight on the landmine rows next week as well.
- BB DL: 315*1 365*1 405*1 435*1 455*1 475*1
- HPS: 105*3 125*3 145*2, 2
- DB Incline: 100*6, 6, 5
- LM Rows: 250*5, 5, 5, 5
- Seated Calves: 100*15, 15
- Waiter Walks: 90*100
- Cable Front Raises: 60*10 80*10
- Dead Bugs: 10, 10
Another 90 minutes or so before work...legs are fairly tired after hiking around and hitting them at the track/gym. That's a pretty typical May for me though, I always under-estimate how much the hiking is going to effect my legs.
Hiked around birdwatching for 2.5 hours, then hit the gym. Weights didn't seem to suffer any, although I kept volume and exercise selection lower.
- Squats: 315*1 340*1 365*1 385*1
- BB Flat: 225*1 245*1 255*1 265*1 275*1,1,1
- Pull-Throughs: 150*10, 10
- Standing Calves: 240*15
- Tibia: 20*15, 15
- 1.5 Sternum Pullups: 3, 2, 2
- DB Suitcase Carries: 80*100
- NS FS Paloffs: 35*10, 10