Tried the 1.5 deadlifts here those things really kick the crap out of me. The plus-side is my hips weren't as fatigued and got some good hanging power snatches in.
woooooo wasn't sure I had that in me, felt like I was absolutely flying, but had that happen a few times this year and not come close to a PR. Tied it here, fastest time I've run in 2 years. I think it's time to get blocks, towards the end of this season when it's cooling off and I'm not worried that I'm wasting a potential PR attempt day.
So I saw this guy doing what looked like 1.5 deadlifts the other day....since I do 1.5 pullups, I asked him about it. Apparently it's part of the Sheiko program. Thought I'd give them a try today....holy shit. My stabilizers/lower/back/core really bore the brunt of it, in a good way. Tried doing tempo pullups...don't think I really like them, felt my biceps taking over the movement too much.
wooooooo new 400 PR....granted it's still slow, but seeing as how I'm in the mid-190s I'm pretty happy with it. I was away this weekend, so I was well-rested. I have the feeling that if I took a couple days off before any of the various sessions I have that I could set new PRs in strength/speed. Regardless, I was almost done after that 400, took me about 15 minutes just to be able to move again. No idea how I managed to get another (slower) 400 in after that one.
Another semi-deload, I'm going to take it easy with deadlifting for a few weeks, posterior chain was feeling worn out there, still feeling a bit so now, and CNS felt flat too. The weather has been really sticky, high dewpoints as well, makes it hard to sleep at night because I either have the AC on making noise or leave it off and am too hot to sleep. Hopefully, a weekend up north and some rest will get things back on track....Taking it easy last week on the deadlifts/squats definitely seemed to help me recover some.
Good session, last 400 was tough, hopefully next week I can get close to a PR, really loaded up with volume here. This weekend going to New Hampshire, so I should be fresh next Tuesday.
Good session here, tried not doing 505 on 1/4 pin squats since it drains me so much, and it's really done just to warm me up for squatting. I seemed to feel fresher for the rest of the session.
Doing a bit of a deload here, been a bit sore the past week, even with skipping the Saturday sprinting. I think it's just the accumulation of cutting, I'm upping protein now to try and counter the effect so I don't go into my usual August slowdown on the track, and gym now that I think of it.
It was raining out pretty bad, not enough to flood the track but enough to shorten the workout significantly. I did a warm up 110 and then went right over for a 400, and nearly set a PR.
Going to the beach tomorrow so I switched to a full body workout today, and taking the weekend off from short-track sprinting. Body obviously not at 100% since it's been less than 48 hours since the previous workout.
I'm really enjoying using dodgeball as extra cardio....I always viewed it as that, but this summer I'm prepping my meals for the day the same way I would before a sprinting session.
Still oppressive out, and my legs are still fairly burnt out...that first 400 I really gutted out, I don't think I've ever been in more agony at the end of a 400 like that. The time wasn't even that good though, if I had fresh legs and put in that effort I'd be at 60 seconds.
I got some tired legs, but still got through things here. I also realized that I haven't done push pressing in over a year, no clue how that happened. I'll probably forget again after this.