- 110m: 2
- 100m: 13.20, 13.25, 13.14 NEW PR!!, 13.06!! NEW PR!!, 13.15
- Total: 720m
WOAH. ok, so I figured that I'm bringing my chest up too early, I do better when I'm 'leaning' into things for longer, so I wanted to see what would happen if I kept my head down like the first 50-60m even. It's really counter to what you see most sprinters do, but I'm not starting from a crouch so I'm betting that has something to do with it. Anyway, I kept my head down and was leaning for like the first 80m. I figured that probably blew the time, on top of it being my fifth run of the day, but instead I set a new PR. Good times. So I figured I'd just get into the pattern and run a couple more like that, figuring my times would be slower, but hey, practice form, right? So I was completely and utterly shocked when my 6th sprint of the day beat that new PR by .08, AND I think sub 13 is feasible soon. I can't wait to see! I can't describe how happy I was after seeing that 13.06. Although I have bigger goals, it doesn't hurt to stop and enjoy some milestone along the way, or be happy at what you've accomplished, it can really be a boost. Good times.
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