Had a good time here, definitely like leaving a bit earlier so I can get to bed at my regular time.
I really went hard on all 6 of these, trying to get that top-gear back.
Good session...got 405 double overhand deadlifting. I was really exhausted after this session...This is why I don't pair front squats & deadlifts on the same day. Just brutal. But I didn't want to skip deadlifting this week, after taking Thursday off. My hamstrings were done by 460 though.
- Front Squats: 225*1 250*1 275*1 300*1
- BB DL: 315*1 365*1, 405*1, 445*1 460*1
- HPS: 135*3, 3, 3 3 (60 second hold at top last 3 sets, final rep)
- BB INcline: 185*5 205*5 ( 225*1,1,1 205*1,1 cluster)
- LM Unilateral Rows: 180*3 180*3 160*3
- DB Farmers: 120*6, 40 exhausted
Need to shift around my schedule this week; sprinting today, gym tomorrow, Sunday off. Worked on start times here.
Blah, horrible starts probably lost .5 on the first and .3 on the 2nd there. Need to work on that a bit. It was nice to get out here mid-day though, since it's the 4th and I have the day off.
- 110m: 2
- 100m: 12.44 12.25, 1, 1
Went max-effort on sprints yesterday so legs were dead here...did some leg curls before squatting to try and get the blood flowing, not sure it made much difference.
- Lying Leg Curls: 70*8 90*8 110*8
- Squats: 315*1 340*1 360*1
- Front Squats: 250*1,1,1,1,1
- BB Incline: 210*5 225*3,3,3 185*10
- BB Rows: 225*5 250*5 275*3
- BB Press: 135*4 145*2 toast
- Waiter Walks: 70*83
- FS WSARC: 45*7 47.5*5
Went max-effort here on the 100s...I've been going at like 85-90 maybe this whole season because of the slow start. I need to re-train that top gear, and starting here. Also, welcome back broad jumps, you've been missed. Mainly because the sandpit has been damp so the sand is like concrete when I land. It was nice and dry today though.
- 110m: 3
- 100m: 4
- Total: 730m
- Broad Jump: 9' 1", 9' 4", 10' 1", 10' 2", 9' 7", 9' 11"
I really love guillotine pressing...something primal about pushing a bar off your throat. Also, did a ton of clustered reps on benching today, was really feeling it.
- BB DL: 315*1 405*1 435*1 455*1 475*1
- HPS: 95*5 115*3 135*1 145*1-30 second hold
- BB Flat: 225*3 255*1,1,1,1,1,1 225*1,1,1,1 (all one cluster)
- Guillotine Press: 185*4,3
- DB Reverse Hypers: 120*5
- 1.5 Sternum Pullups: 4,3,2 toast.
- Suitcase Carries: 95*100
- Ab Wheel: 10, 10
So the most severe thunderstorm this summer was closing in all around us...looked like it was going to miss us, then right as I was about to start the skies opened. Absolute sheets of rain coming down, 40 mph wind...freezing. I did an extra 200 just for spite. One of the funnest times I've had at the track actually, the other groups/people there were having a blast too. Really fun
Really stiff, that session on Thursday when I was dehydrated really drained me...getting a quick session in before the beach here.
- Squats: 315*1 345*1 345*1 365*1
- Front Squats: 225*1 245*1 265*1
- BB Incline: 205*3 225*2,2,2,2,2 cluster
- BB ROws: 225*5 245*5 265*5 cluster (all 3 sets)
- Pull-Throughs: 150*10
- BB Overhead Press Walk: 90*140,140 (cluster)
- FS Paloffs: 45*10
I was really dehydrated for this one, combination of last couple days, some extra caffeine today, and the weather conspired to sap me pretty bad here.
- BB DL: 405*1 435*5 450*3 460*1 475*1
- Bench Press: 225*3 250*3 265*1 275*1 285*1
- Guillotine Press: 225*1,1
- LM unilateral Rows: 135*5 160*5 160*4
- DB Farmers: 120*80, 74
- WSARC: 40*7 45*6
The 400 was pretty slow, was just doing it mainly to get a feel for pacing on them...still toying with adding them in..I'm miserable doing them though.
- 200: 2
- 400: 1
- 110: 2
- Total: 840
Not a bad session, again featuring clusters more here to pick up the density a bit.
- Deadlift: 315*1 405*1 445*1 470*1
- HPS: 95*5 115*5 125*3 135*3 145*1
- Bench Press: 225*3 250*2,1,1,1,1 cluster
- Guillotine Press: 205*2,2,1 cluster
- LM Rows: 180*5 225*5 250*5 275*3
- Farmers Walks: 120*85, 75
- FS WSARC: 35*10 40*6
Instead of dodgeball this week
- 200: 3
- 110: 2
- Total: 880m
This was a quick session after the beach, not bad all things considered.
- Squats: 315*1 345*1 365*1 375*1
- BB Incline: 225*1 235*1 245*1 225*1,1,1,1,1 cluster
- BB Rows: 225*5 250*3 270*2 300*1
- Suitcase Carries: 90*72
- Dead Bugs: 10, 10
Did this one for speed, got it all in at 49 minutes...was exhausted after.
- Deadlift: 405*1 425*1 445*1 455*1 475*1
- HPS: 95*5 115*5 125*% 135*3
- BB Flat: 185*5 225*5 245*3 255*1,1,1,1 cluster
- GUillotine Press: 205*2,2,2,2
- Sternum Pullups: 9,5,4 shot.
- DB Reverse Hypers: 120*5,5
- DB Press Walk: 60*55, 48 really shot.
- Dead Bugs: 10, 10