Shifted this ahead a day since I'm doing birdwatching tomorrow, along with a full body workout, and then I have stuff going on Sunday. The weather was decent at last.
Good session, hamstring still doesn't feel quite right, but oddly it's not holding me back at all. It goes away as the sessions go on as well, which is nice.
- Deadlift: 315*1 365*1 405*1 435*1 455*1 475*1
- HPS: 115*3 125*3 135*3 145*1
- BB Incline: 205*3 225*3 235*1, 1, 1, 1, 1
- Wide-Grip Cable Rows: 150*8, 8
- Seated Calves: 100*15, 15
- Mixed-Grip Carries: 65*100
- WSARC: 50*10, 10
- Cable Laterals: 30*8 20*10
- DB Hammers: 50*5 40*6
Wet and cold out. This April/May has had the most rainy cold days I can remember; April I believe was the wettest we've ever had. Even though we haven't had torrential rain really, it's been drizzly and damp pretty much constantly.
I went to a midnight showing of a movie, didn't get to sleep until 2:30, and after sprinting yesterday my legs were exhausted. Really my whole body. So I'm pretty happy with the output here; I didn't go max weight but was at maybe 80% and did a few reps on squats and benching. I will say, the tibia thing felt great, my Achilles' tendons were so sore before working on them.
- BB Flat: 225*3 245*3 265*3 275*1, 1, 1, 1
- Squats: 315*1 340*1 365*1, 1
- Front Squats: 225*1 250*1 275*1
- Snatch-Grip RDLs: 285*5 315*5 335*5
- Pull-Throughs: 150*10, 10
- Sternum Pullups: 7, 5, 3
- Standing Calves: 240*12, 12
- Tibia: 20*15, 15
- DB Farmers: 120*80
- Dead Bugs: 10, 10
- Seated Press: 135*8, 6
Gorgeous out, about 70, sunny, light breeze. First real sessions where I hit max speeds, at least at my current weight. I'm still about 5-7 lbs. above peak-season weight. It felt great. I went home and took an ice-bath after; I was still sore later in the day.
Left hamstring still a bit sore here...not enough to cripple me or anything, but I am conscious of it.
- BB DL: 315*1 365*1 415*1 435*1 455*1
- HPS: 95*3 115*3 135*3
- BB Incline: 185*3 205*3 225*3,3,2
- LM Rows: 250*5, 5, 5, 5
- Seated Calves: 90*12, 15
- OH Press Walk: 75*80
- NS Paloffs: 50*10, 10
- Cables Laterals: 50*7, 5
- DB Incline Curls: 35*8
Another birdwatching in the AM / Sprinting in the PM day. Hamstring is about 80% better, glad that cleared up quick. Also, it was gorgeous out this morning, about 72 or 73. By the time I went to the track after work it was overcast and spritzing, but it was still warm enough out, so that was nice.
- Birdwatching: 2 hours
- 110*6
Hamstring is feeling a bit better, squats still up there...Tried some front raises with the cable station, those went well...
- Bench Press: 225*3 245*3 265*3 280*1 29)*1 255*6
- Squats: 315*1 340*1 365*1 375*1 390*1
- Front Squats: 225*1 250*1 275*1
- Snatch-Grip RDL: 285*5 315*5 335*5
- Pull-Throughs: 150*10, 10
- Pullups: 25*5, 5, 5
- Standing Calves: 240*12, 12
- Tibia: 20*12, 12
- Waiter Walks: 90*100
- FS WSARC: 35*10, 10
- Cable Front Raises: 40*10, 60*10
Did some birdwatching in the morning, basically 2 hours of hiking. In the PM I went sprinting. Left hamstring is still not happy. It feels somewhat better by the last sprint, but the first few are not fun.
- Birdwatching: 2 hours
- 110*5
Left hamstring was not happy here. Probably one of those things I could rest for a few days and it'd be fine, but I've never really been like that. I'd rather take longer to heal as long as I'm not doing further damage, as opposed to missing training time. Rest of session outside of deadlifting was fine. Skipped power-snatches since I'm not sure how that would've gone with a bad leg. Tried a new curl variant as well on the t-grip barbell, basically barbell hammer curl. I liked it.
- BB DL: 315*1 365*1 405*1, 1, 1
- BB Incline: 205*3 225*3 245*1,1,1,1
- LM Rows: 250*5, 5, 5, 5
- Seated Calves: 90*12, 15
- DB Suitcase Carries: 80*100
- Dead Bugs: 10, 10
- Cable Front Raises: 40*5 30*10
- T-Grip Barbell Curls: 55*10, 75*8
Left hamstring REALLY hurt on this one...kind like a stabbing in it. Not sure what that's about. It wasn't enough to stop me, but enough to make it a less than fun experience.
Left hamstring has been a bit weird, kind of hurts a bit.
- BB Flat: 225*3 245*3 255*3 265*2 275*1 285*1 235*6
- Squats: 315*1 335*1 365*1 385*1
- Front Squats: 225*1 245*1 265*1 285*1
- Snatch Grip RDL: 285*5 315*5 335*5
- Standing Calves: 240*12, 12
- Pullups: 25*5, 4, 4
- Pull-Throughs: 150*10, 10
- Mixed-Grip Carries: 65*100
- NS FS Paloffs: 35*10, 10
- Seated Press: 135*8, 6
- DB Hammer Curls: 45*7
More crappy weather for sprinting
Good session, a bit lighter on volume.
- BB DL: 315*1 365*1 405*1 425*1 445*1 455*1
- HPS: 95*3 115*3 135*1, 1 145*1
- BB Incline: 205*3 225*3 235*1 250*1
- LM Rows: 250*5, 5, 5, 5
- Seated Calves: 90*12, 12
- DB Farmers: 120*75
- WSARC: 50*10, 10
- Cable Laterals: 30*10
- BB Curls: 45*12
aaaand more mediocre weather.
Cooler weather again....can't wait til it warms up
Good session, 405 on squats still, everything else is humming along as well. I haven't done incline curls (curls laying on an incline bench) in yeeeeears. Forgot how fun they are.
- Squats: 315*1 340*1 365*1 385*1 405*1
- Front Squats: 225*1 245*1 265*1 285*1
- Snatch-Grip RDL: 285*5 315*5 335*5
- Pull-Throughs: 150*10, 10
- BB Flat: 225*3 245*3 265*2 225*7, 6
- Standing Calves: 240*12, 12
- Tibia: 20*12, 12
- Pullups: 25*5, 3, 3
- OH Press Walk: 75*100
- Dead Bugs: 10, 10
- BB Seated Press: 135*8, 6
- DB Incline Curls: 35*8
Another cold day out, crappy running conditions.
Another good session, hung back a bit on incline benching, but other than that things went well. I'm happy with the landmine rows on this day.
- BB DL: 315*1 365*1 405*1 425*1 445*1 465*1 485*1
- HPS: 95*3 115*3 135*1 145*1
- BB Incline: 185*3 205*3 225*3, 3, 3 185*8
- LM Rows: 225*5 250*5, 5, 5
- Standing Calves: 240*12, 12
- Tibia: 20*12, 12
- Waiter Walks: 90*100
- NS FS Paloffs: 35*10, 10
- DB Curls: 40*10
- Cable Laterals: 30*10, 10
REALLY windy out, like 50 mph gusts...really weird running in it. Cooler side temperature-wise too.
Good session, still over 405 on squats, 300 on benching. I decided to throw in some shoulder or arm work for a couple sets at the end of workouts this cut; might as well to burn a few extra calories.
- Squats: 315*1 340*1 365*1 385*1 405*1
- Front Squats: 245*1 265*1 285*1
- Snatch-Grip RDL: 285*5 315*5 335*5
- BB Flat: 225*3 245*3 265*3 285*1 300*1
- Pull-Throughs: 150*10, 10
- Sternum Pullups: 7, 4, 4
- Standing Calves: 240*12, 12
- Tibia: 20*12, 12
- Suitcase Carries: 75*100
- WSARC: 35*100
- Cambered Preachers: 70*8