Went with a speed day for deadlifts, I feel like I've been slow in a lot of my lifts lately, I need to work on that explosion. I continue to accrete strength on DB incline as well which is nice, this is the longest I've done them for in a while, maybe ever.
- Speed Deadlifts: 315*1 365*1 405*1, 1, 1, 1, 1
- HPS: 115*3, 3 135*3
- DB Incline: 90*10 95*8 100*6
- BB Rows: 235*8, 8
- Waiter Walks: 70*100
- NS Paloffs: 60*10, 10
- DB Incline Curls: 30*8
Really tight on the squats, not in a good way, couldn't really loosen up for some reason.
- Squats: 315*1 345*1 365*1 385*1
- Front Squats: 225*1 250*1 275*1 300*1
- Snatch-Grip RDL: 305*5 335*5 355*5
- Paused Rep Benching (For Speed): 185*3 225*3, 3, 3
- Pull-Throughs: 150*10, 10
- Pullups: 35*5, 4, 4
- DB Farmers: 120*70
- Hanging leg Raises: 7, 6 (free-standing cable machine occupied)
So doing the Tuesday / Thursday split for weighted work / sprinting this winter, as I mentioned before. Kept this one fairly quick, although I added another rep at 100 on DB incline pressing...
- BB DL: 315*1 365*1 405*1 445*1 470*1
- HPS: 115*3 125*3 135*1 145*1
- DB Incline: 90*10 95*8 100*5
- BB Rows: 235*8, 8
- Suitcase Carries: 80*100
- WSARC: 65*10, 10
- DB Hammer Curls: 50*5
Had to shuffle this week around a bit so sprinted yesterday...legs felt 'slow' here....again focusing on engaging my core on squats. Surprised I got that 410, really ground that one out.
- Squats: 315*1 345*1 370*1 390*1 410*1
- Front Squats: 225*1 250*1 275*1 300*1
- Snatch-Grip RDL: 305*5 335*5 355*5
- Paused Rep Flat Bench: 205*5 235*4 255*1, 1
- Pull-Throughs: 150*10, 10
- Pullups: 35*4, 4, 3
- Mixed-Grip Carries: 65*100
- Dead Bugs: 10, 10
- DB Unilateral OH Press: 55*10
Since it's now thoroughly too cold out to sprint without additional gear on, thus ensuring I'm not breaking any records for myself until next spring, I'm prioritizing the full body workouts. That entails putting them first on any back-to-back days....(So Saturday & Tuesday)....I may actually do Tuesday / Thursday for the weighted workout and then sprinting, that way I have a day off between them. Session here went well, adding strength on DB Incline still,
- BB DL: 315*1 365*1 405*1 440*1 465*1 485*1
- HPS: 115*3 135*3 145*1
- DB Incline: 90*10 95*8 100*4
- BB Rows: 235*8, 8
- DB OH Press Walk: 65*75
- NS Paloffs: 50*10, 10
- Standing Cambered Curls: 110*7
Continuing bulk, going well..doing some paused reps on benching, working on explosion off my chest.
- Squats: 315*1 340*1 365*1 385*1 405*1
- Front Squats: 225*1 250*1 275*1 300*1
- Snatch-Grip RDL: 305*5 330*5 350*5
- BB Flat Paused Reps: 185*5 225*5 245*2 255*1
- Pull-Throughs: 150*10, 10
- Pullups: 8, 5, 4
- Waiter Walk: 70*100
- FS WSARC: 35*10, 10
- FS Cable Laterals: 10*10
Tired posterior chain after the sprinting yesterday
- BB DL: 315*1 365*1 405*1 435*1 455*1
- HPS: 115*3, 3 125*3 135*3
- DB Incline: 90*10 95*8 100*4
- BB Rows: 225*8, 8
- Waiter Walk: 75*100
- Dead Bugs: 10, 10
- Standing DB Hammer Curls: 35*10
Went max effort here, as I have been with these shorter sessions.