bundled up so couldn't hit top speed...still, I'm disappointed with that time, felt like I was going at a good clip, thought I'd be in the 25s.
Good session, up to speed on sumo deadlifting apparently. still working in the calf stuff as well....Also...waiter walk at the end was just beastly.
- Sumo Deadlift: 315*1 365*1 405*1 (all double overhand) 445*1 475*1 490*1
- HPS: 105*3 145*1 160*X 135*5
- Seated Calves: 115*15,15,13
- BB Incline: 205*7,5,5,3 185*6
- Standing Calves: 260*15, 15
- 1.5 Pullups: 6,4, 2 toast.
- Waiter Walks: 80*160(!!!)
- Ab-Wheel: 10, 10
Very happy with the time on the 400, in most of my winter gear for that one.
- Squats: 315*1 335*1 355*1 375*1
- Seated Calves: 90*15, 15
- Squats: 355*1 Front Squats: 225*1 250*1 275*1,1
- Good Mornings: 225*3, 3 legs toasted
- BB Flat: 225*5,5,5,5,5
- Standing Calves: 240*15, 15
- Pull-Throughs: 150*10, 10
- Sternum Pullups: 8, 6, 5 shot.
- DB Farmers: 120*70, 53
- Dead Bugs: 10, 10
Felt really good here...though about 500 on Sumos but didn't go through with it...narrowly missed a PR on hanging power snatches, the 2nd time I just couldn't lock out and dropped.
- Sumo DL: 315*1 365*1 405*1 435*1 (all double overhand) 455*1 475*1
- HPS: 95*5 135*3 155*1 165*X 165*X
- BB Incline: 185*10, 6, 4 short rest
- Standing Calves: 220*15, 15
- Pendlay Rows: 135*10,10, 10 (cluster)
- FS NS Paloffs: 30*10, 10
good times...good times..
I'm actually not mad about the 400 time, that's in tights & a couple upper body layers, which really makes it harder to get a full stride, and at the end makes it harder to dissipate heat.
A bit sapped after yesterday, no leg drive on benching. One thing, for this bulk, I'm adding in some calf work, and also I'm going to try doing a higher rep type scheme. I know that may seem counter-intuitive if I'm trying to bulk, but my attitude is that if I'm taking in all this fuel, I should use it to build some muscle.
- Squats: 315*1 340*1 365*1 375*1
- Good Mornings: 225*3,3
- Front Squats: 225*1 250*1 270*1 290*1
- Bench Press: 225*3, 2 250*1,1,1 (all as a cluster)
- Pull-Throughs: 150*10, 10
- Seated Calves: 90*10, 13 standing calves: 200*15 (cluster on last seated & standing)
- 1.5 Pullups: 6,3,3,3
- Mixed-Grip Carries: 85*75
- WSARC: 50*6, 5
This is actually the most "volume" at least in meters, that I've done in a while...was exhausted after, unsurprisingly.
- 110: 5
- 400: 1
- 100: 1
- Total: 1040m
Felt pretty flat here, didn't push anything really, this was more of a "make sure you don't accumulate rust' type session. Plus, my once per year bicep set.
- Deadlift: 315*1 (double overhand) 405*1 425*1 445*1 465*1
- HPS: 95*5 115*3 135*1 145*1,1,1
- Incline Bench: 185*10,7,4 no rest
- DB Rows: 120*5,5,5 (cluster)
- DB Hammer Curls: 50*5
- Waiter Walk: 75*130
- Dead Bugs: 10, 10
- Squats: 315*2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
- Front Squats: 225*2, 2, 2
- BB Incline: 185*3 205*3 225*1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 (cluster 8)
- Pull-Throughs: 150*10, 10
- Sternum Pullups: 12, 9, 7
- DB Farmers: 120*72, 61
- NS FS Paloffs: 30*8, 10
Wasn't feeling too fast here, but not bad either. Not bad for some late season runs.
- 110: 2
- 100: 12.00, 12.14
- 200: 1
Mucking about, started off with benching here since the racks were both taken...got a good cluster in; amazing how much easier it is when actually waiting 10 seconds between sets instead of 3 or 4 like I was before.
- BB Flat: 225*3 250*1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 (cluster 10)
- Squats: 315*1 335*1 355*1 375*1
- Front Squats: 225*1 250*1,1,1,1,1 (cluster 5)
- Pullups: 80*1,1,1,1,1,1 (cluster 6)
- Pull-Throughs: 150*10,10
- Mixed-Grip Carries: 85*75
- WSARC: 50*65
Got some jumping in here, although I was pretty much toast at this point..still, fun to get it back in.
- 110:2
- 100: 2
- 400: 1
- 100: 1
- Total: 920m
- Broad Jump: 9' 1", 9' 3", 9' 5"
Nice session, quick one...beasted out the suitcase carries since I wasn't worn out.
- Deadlift: 315*1 405*1 445*1 455*1 475*1 445*1
- BB Seated Press: 135*3,3,3,3,3 cluster
- Chest-Supported Rows: 135*5,5,5
- Suitcase Carries: 90*130!
- FS Paloffs: 50*10